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Lecturer 계승혁
Dept. 서울대학교
date May 16, 2013

The notion of entanglement is now considered as a basic resource for the current quantum information and quantum computation theory.
We discuss what kinds of mathematics are related to the theory.
They include operator algebras, matrix theory, biquadratic forms, complex variables, algebraic geometry and polyhedral combinatorics, etc.

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  1. 학부생을 위한 ε 강연회: Sir Isaac Newton and scientific computing

    아이작 뉴턴의 계산과학에 관한 업적을 소개한다.
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  2. 학부생을 위한 ε 강연회: Mathematics from the theory of entanglement

    The notion of entanglement is now considered as a basic resource for the current quantum information and quantum computation theory. We discuss what kinds of mathematics are related to the theory. They include operator algebras, matrix theor...
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  3. Combinatorial Laplacians on Acyclic Complexes

    The main topic of the talk is a determinantal formula for high dimensional tree numbers of acyclic complexes via combinatorial Laplace operators . This result is a generalization of Temperley's tree number formula for graphs, motivated by a ...
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  4. 정년퇴임 기념강연: Volume Conjecture

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  5. Fefferman's program and Green functions in conformal geometry

    Motivated by the analysis of the singularity of the Bergman kernel of a strictly pseudoconvex domain, Charlie Fefferman launched in the late 70s the program of determining all local biholomorphic invariants of strictly pseudoconvex domain. T...
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  6. Subgroups of Mapping Class Groups

    The mapping class group of a surface S is the component group of orientation-preserving homeomorphisms on S. We survey geometric and algebraic aspects of this group, and introduce a technique of using right-angled Artin groups to find geomet...
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  7. Categorification of Donaldson-Thomas invariants

    In 1980s, Donaldson discovered his famous invariant of 4-manifolds which was subsequently proved to be an integral on the moduli space of semistable sheaves when the 4-manifold is an algebraic surface. In 1994, the Seiberg-Witten invariant w...
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  8. Random conformal geometry of Coulomb gas formalism

    Several cluster interfaces in 2D critical lattice models have been proven to have conformally invariant scaling limits, which are described by SLE(Schramm-Loewner evolution) process, a family of random fractal curves. As the remarkable achie...
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  10. Seeded Ising Model for Human Iris Templates and Secure Distributed Iris Recognition

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  11. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 기하와 대수의 거울대칭

    거울대칭은 수학의 다른 두 분야의 이론 간 연관관계를 제시하며, 물리학의 초끈이론에서 비롯되어 수학의 여러 분야에 지난 2~30년간 많은 영향을 주었다. 이번 강연에서는 곡면 (구, 토러스 등)에서 곡선들과 이에 둘러싸인 다각형이 만드는 기하학과 이와 ...
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  12. W-algebras and related topics

    A W-algebra is introduced as a symmetry algebra in 2-dimensional conformal field theory. Mathematical realization of a W-algebra was introduced by the theory of vertex algebras. Especially, W-algebras related to Lie superalgebras have been s...
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  13. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Geometry and algebra of computational complexity

    학부생을 위한 이 강연에서는 고전적 튜링 기계의 기본적 정의로부터 시작하여 • 튜링기계를 비롯한 다양한 컴퓨터 모델의 복잡도 개념; • 계산(불)가능성 – 특히 디오판틴 방정식의 알고리즘적 해결법 (힐버트의 10번째 문제); • Non-deterministic 튜링 기계...
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  14. Ill-posedness for incompressible Euler equations at critical regularit

    We obtain a quantitative and robust proof that incompressible fluid models are strongly ill-posed in critical Sobolev spaces, in the sense that norm inflation and even nonexistence occur for critical initial data. We then show how to use th...
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  15. WGAN with an Infinitely wide generator has no spurious stationary points

    Generative adversarial networks (GAN) are a widely used class of deep generative models, but their minimax training dynamics are not understood very well. In this work, we show that GANs with a 2-layer infinite-width generator and a 2-layer...
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  16. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Symplectic geometry and the three-body problem

    We describe some of the history of the three-body problem and how it lead to symplectic geometry. We start by sketching Poincare’s prize-winning work, and discuss how it lead to the birth of the fields of dynamical systems and symplec...
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  17. <정년퇴임 기념강연> Hardy, Beurling, and invariant subspaces

    The invariant subspace problem is one of the longstanding open problem in the field of functional analysis and operator theory. It is due to J. von Neumann (in 1932) and is stated as: Does every operator have a nontrivial invariant subspace...
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  18. Diophantine equations and moduli spaces with nonlinear symmetry

    A fundamental result in number theory is that, under certain linear actions of arithmetic groups on homogeneous varieties, the integral points of the varieties decompose into finitely many orbits. For a classical example, the set of integra...
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  19. <정년퇴임 기념강연> 리만 가설에 관련된 옌센 다항식의 영점

    Sufficient conditions for the Jensen polynomials of the derivatives of a real entire function to be hyperbolic are obtained. The conditions are given in terms of the growth rate and zero distribution of the function. As a consequence some r...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대학교 Lecturer김영원
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  20. Geometric structures and representation spaces

    초록: Let X be a homogeneous space for a Lie group G. A (G,X)-structure on a manifold M is an atlas of coordinate charts valued in X, such that the changes of coordinates locally lie in G. It is a fundamental question to ask how many ways o...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대학교 Lecturer이계선
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