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Lecturer 차재춘
Dept. 포항공과대학교
date Oct 06, 2016

The disk embedding problem is of fundamental importance in the study of 4-dimensional topology.  I will discuss its significance and difficulty, including how disk embedding makes dimension four intrinsically different from other dimensions.  Then I will present some recent advances toward the existence and non-existence of embedded disks in 4-manifolds.

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  1. Topological surgery through singularity in mean curvature flow

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  4. 4-manifold topology and disk embedding

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  6. <학부생을 위한 ε 강연> 수학과 예술 - 초기 컴퓨터 그래픽

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  9. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 기하와 대수의 거울대칭

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  10. Descent in derived algebraic geometry

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  12. Lie group actions on symplectic manifolds

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  13. Structures of Formal Proofs

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  14. On the resolution of the Gibbs phenomenon

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  15. Mathematics, Biology and Mathematical Biology

    The 21st century is the age of life science. Two issues in the life sciences are that humans live long, healthy lives and maintain a steady state of the earth's ecosystems despite disturbances. In this talk, we will look at how mathematics i...
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  16. Ill-posedness for incompressible Euler equations at critical regularit

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  17. Mathematical Models and Intervention Strategies for Emerging Infectious Diseases: MERS, Ebola and 2009 A/H1N1 Influenza

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  18. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 서비스 진보의 관점에서 본 AI technology

    기술적 관점에서 AI Technology를 가볍게 살펴보고, 소개하는 서비스 별로 AI를 접목했을 때 어떤 진보 혹은 혁신이 가능한지, 그로 인해 어떤 사업적 가능성이 있는지를 살펴보겠습니다. AI 는 모두가 생각하는 장미빛 청사진 만을 가진것이 아니라 과거의 많...
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  19. 학부생을 위한 강연회: Tipping Point Analysis and Influence Maximization in Social Networks

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  20. Recommendation system and matrix completion: SVD and its applications (학부생을 위한 강연)

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