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강연자 황준호
소속 서울대학교
date 2021-09-02


A fundamental result in number theory is that, under certain linear actions of arithmetic groups on homogeneous varieties, the integral points of the varieties decompose into finitely many orbits.

For a classical example, the set of integral binary quadratic forms of fixed nonzero discriminant consists of finitely many orbits under action of the modular group SL2(Z).

In this talk, we discuss certain classes of algebraic varieties with inherently nonlinear group actions, for which analogous finite generation results for integral points can be established or conjectured.

These varieties arise as various moduli spaces (of local systems on surfaces, Stokes matrices, etc.) in geometry and topology of manifolds, allowing application of external tools to the study of Diophantine problems; the latter will be emphasized in the talk.

첨부 '1'
  1. Faithful representations of Chevalley groups over quotient rings of non-Archimedean local fields

  2. Existence of positive solutions for φ-Laplacian systems

  3. Essential dimension of simple algebras

  4. Equations defining algebraic curves and their tangent and secant varieties

  5. Entropy of symplectic automorphisms

  6. Entropies on covers of compact manifolds

  7. Elliptic equations with singular drifts in critical spaces

  8. 17Oct
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Diophantine equations and moduli spaces with nonlinear symmetry

  9. Descent in derived algebraic geometry

  10. Deformation spaces of Kleinian groups and beyond

  11. Creation of concepts for prediction models and quantitative trading

  12. Counting number fields and its applications

  13. Counting circles in Apollonian circle packings and beyond

  14. Convex and non-convex optimization methods in image processing

  15. Contact topology of singularities and symplectic fillings

  16. Contact instantons and entanglement of Legendrian links

  17. Contact Homology and Constructions of Contact Manifolds

  18. Conservation laws and differential geometry

  19. Connes's Embedding Conjecture and its equivalent

  20. Connectedness of a zero-level set as a geometric estimate for parabolic PDEs

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