1. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 복잡한 생명현상을 위한 21세기 현미경, 수학!

    지난 50년간 진행된 분자생물학의 혁명으로 인해 생명 시스템이 수많은 분자들의 상호작용으로 구성되어 있음을 알게 되었습니다. 이러한 복잡한 시스템을 이해하기 위해서는 현미경과 같이 생명현상을 관찰하는 도구와 함께 수학은 생명과학 분야에서 필수적...
    Category수학강연회 소속카이스트 강연자김재경
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  2. Birational Geometry of varieties with effective anti-canonical divisors

    Fano varieties are fundamental objects in algebraic geometry. These can be considered as the unique output of the -K -minimal model program on the varieties with effective anticanonical divisors. Thus the initial models should encode the in...
    Category수학강연회 소속연세대학교 강연자최성락
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  3. Contact instantons and entanglement of Legendrian links

    We introduce a conformally invariant nonlinear sigma model on the bulk of contact manifolds with boundary condition on the Legendrian links in any odd dimension. We call any finite energy solution a contact instanton. We also explain its Ha...
    Category수학강연회 소속IBS-CGP /POSTECH 강연자오용근
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  4. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Self-Supervised Learning in Computer Vision

    In recent years, artificial intelligence has made remarkable progress in developing algorithms that can learn from vast amounts of carefully labeled data. This paradigm of supervised learning has made great success in training specialist mo...
    Category수학강연회 소속인하대학교 강연자현윤석
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  5. <학부생을 위한 강연> 수학과 보험산업

    Category수학강연회 소속라이나생명 강연자유신옥
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  6. Counting number fields and its applications

    It is a fascinating and challenging problem to count number fields with bounded discriminant. It has so many applications in number theory. We give two examples. First, we compute the average of the smallest primes belonging to a conjugacy ...
    Category수학강연회 소속UNIST 강연자조재현
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  7. Towards Trustworthy Scientific Machine Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications

    Machine learning (ML) has achieved unprecedented empirical success in diverse applications. It now has been applied to solve scientific problems, which has become an emerging field, Scientific Machine Learning (SciML). Many ML techniques, h...
    Category수학강연회 소속KAIST 강연자신연종
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  8. Elliptic equations with singular drifts in critical spaces

    Category수학강연회 소속서강대학교 강연자김현석
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  9. Contact topology of singularities and symplectic fillings

    For an isolated singularity, the intersection with a small sphere forms a smooth manifold, called the link of a singularity. It admits a canonical contact structure, and this turns out to be a fine invariant of singularities and provides an...
    Category수학강연회 소속순천대학교 강연자권명기
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  10. Regularity theory for non-autonomous elliptic equations in divergence form

    Category수학강연회 소속서강대학교 강연자옥지훈
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  11. <2020년도 젊은 과학자상 수상 기념강연> Metastability of stochastic systems

    Metastability란 random process가 여러 개의 안정된 상태를 가질 때 반드시 나타나는 현상으로, 수리물리학이나 화학의 여러 모형들은 물론 딥러닝의 알고리즘 등 다양한 곳에서 공통적으로 나타나는 현상이다. 본 강연에서는 이 Metastability를 수학적으로...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자서인석
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  12. Geometric Langlands theory: A bridge between number theory and physics

    ※ 강연 앞 부분이 잘렸습니다. (강연자료 다운: Geometric Langlands Theory [A Bridge between Number Theory and Physics] (2022.04.28).pdf ) 초록: The Langlands program consists of a tantalizing collection of surprising results and conjectures w...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자유필상
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  13. Noise-induced phenomena in stochastic heat equations

    Stochastic heat equations (SHE) usually refer to heat equations perturbed by noise and can be a model for the density of diffusing particles under a random potential. When the irregularity of noise is dominating the diffusion, SHE exhibits ...
    Category수학강연회 소속포항공대 강연자김건우
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  14. Mirror symmetry of pairings

    ※ 강연 앞 부분이 잘렸습니다. (강연자료 다운: Mirror symmetry of pairings.pdf ) 초록: Mirror symmetry has served as a rich source of striking coincidences of various kinds. In this talk we will first review two kinds of mirror symmetry statem...
    Category수학강연회 소속숭실대학교 강연자이상욱
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  15. A dissipative effect on some PDEs with physical singularity

    초록: In this lecture, we study various dissipative effect in a phase space from either entropy dissipation or boundary. We see how this effect leads mathematical studies on long time behavior and scale-uniform estimate of kinetic PDEs in g...
    Category수학강연회 소속University of Wisconsin-Madison 강연자김찬우
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  16. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Secure computation: Promise and challenges

    This talk discusses modern cryptographic techniques, such as zero-knowledge proof, multi-party computation and homomorphic encryption, which provide advanced functionality and security guarantees beyond data privacy and authenticity. I will...
    Category수학강연회 소속송용수 강연자<학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Secure computation: Promise and challenges
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  17. Geometric structures and representation spaces

    초록: Let X be a homogeneous space for a Lie group G. A (G,X)-structure on a manifold M is an atlas of coordinate charts valued in X, such that the changes of coordinates locally lie in G. It is a fundamental question to ask how many ways o...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자이계선
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  18. <정년퇴임 기념강연> 리만 가설에 관련된 옌센 다항식의 영점

    Sufficient conditions for the Jensen polynomials of the derivatives of a real entire function to be hyperbolic are obtained. The conditions are given in terms of the growth rate and zero distribution of the function. As a consequence some r...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자김영원
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  19. Infinite order rationally slice knots

    A knot is a smooth embedding of an oriented circle into the three-sphere, and two knots are concordant if they cobound a smoothly embedded annulus in the three-sphere times the interval. Concordance gives an equivalence relation, and the se...
    Category수학강연회 소속카이스트 수리과학과 강연자박정환
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  20. Random matrices and operator algebras

    Free probability is a young mathematical theory that started in the theory of operator algebras. One of the main features of free probability theory is its connection with random matrices. Indeed, free probability provides operator algebrai...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 수학교육과 강연자윤상균
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