Extra Form
Lecturer 최재웅
Dept. KIAS AI 기초과학센터
date Oct 12, 2023

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  1. 2023-2 Generative Model(최재웅)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.KIAS AI 기초과학센터 Lecturer최재웅
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  2. 2023-2 Long-time Behavior of PDE (임덕우)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.KIAS Lecturer임덕우
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  3. 2023-2 Mathematical Fluid Dynamics (김준하)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.KIAS Lecturer김준하
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  4. 2023-2 Minimal Surface Theory (이재훈)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.KIAS Lecturer이재훈
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  5. 2023-2 Number Theory (권재성)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.UNIST Lecturer권재성
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  6. 2023-2 Number Theory (윤종흔)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.수학연구소 Lecturer윤종흔
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  7. 2023-2 Optimization Theory (박지선)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.수리과학부 Lecturer박지선
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  8. 4-manifold topology and disk embedding

    The disk embedding problem is of fundamental importance in the study of 4-dimensional topology. I will discuss its significance and difficulty, including how disk embedding makes dimension four intrinsically different from other dimensions. ...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.포항공과대학교 Lecturer차재춘
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  9. <학부생을 위한 강연> 사색 정리를 포함하는 Hadwiger의 추측의 변형에 관하여

    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.KAIST Lecturer엄상일
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  10. A brief introduction to stochastic models, stochastic integrals and stochastic PDEs

    Stochastic Model, Integrals 그리고 PDE의 기본 개념과 최신 연구 동향을 소개한다.
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.고려대학교 Lecturer김경훈
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  11. A dissipative effect on some PDEs with physical singularity

    초록: In this lecture, we study various dissipative effect in a phase space from either entropy dissipation or boundary. We see how this effect leads mathematical studies on long time behavior and scale-uniform estimate of kinetic PDEs in g...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.University of Wisconsin-Madison Lecturer김찬우
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  12. A modified separation method to solve a heat-transfer boundary value problem

    We derive a general solution of the heat equation through two modied separation methods. The obtained solution is expressed as linearly combined kernel solutions in terms of Hermite polynomials, which appears to provide an explanation of non...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대 경제학부 Lecturer최병선
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  13. A New Approach to Discrete Logarithm with Auxiliary Inputs

    Let be a cyclic group with generator . The discrete logarithm problem with auxiliary inputs (DLPwAI) is asked to find with auxiliary inputs , ,…, . In Eurocrypt 2006, an algorithm is proposed to solve DLPwAI in when . In this paper, we reduc...
    CategorySpecial Colloquia Dept.서울대학교 Lecturer천정희
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  14. A new view of Fokker-Planck equations in finite and Infinite dimensional spaces

    Fokker-Planck and Kolmogorov (backward) equations can be interpreted as linearisations of the underlying stochastic differential equations (SDE). It turns out that, in particular, on infinite dimensional spaces (i.e. for example if the SDE i...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.Bielefeld Univ./Purdue Univ. LecturerMichael Roeckner
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  15. A wrapped Fukaya category of knot complement and hyperbolic knot

    상산수리과학관 20주년 기념강연
    CategorySpecial Colloquia Dept.포항공대 Lecturer오용근
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  16. A-infinity functor and topological field theory

    Lagrangian Floer theory in symplectic manifold associate a category (A infinity category) to a symplectic manifold. More than 20 years ago a relation of a relation between Lagrangian Floer theory and Gauge theory was studied by Floer himself...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.Simons Center for Geometry and Physics LecturerKenji Fukaya
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  17. Algebraic surfaces with minimal topological invariants

    상산수리과학관 20주년 기념강연
    CategorySpecial Colloquia Dept.고등과학원 Lecturer금종해
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  18. Alice and Bob meet Banach and von Neumann

    양자컴퓨터와 양자암호로 대표되는 양자기술의 응용이 대두되면서 그 기반이 되는 양자정보학에 대한 관심이 그 어느때보다 높다. 양자정보학은 양자상태의 정보량 및 양자상태를 전송할 때 전달되는 정보량을 분석하고자 하는 목표를 가지고 있는데 많은 경우...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대 Lecturer이훈희
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  19. An equivalent condition to Bohr's for Dirichlet series

    초록: SNU-abstract.pdf
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.포항공대 Lecturer최윤성
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  20. An introduction to hyperplane arrangements

    A hyperplane arrangement is an arrangement of a finite set of hyperplanes in some vector space. Hyperplane arrangements generalize other famous combinatorial objects such as graphs and matroids. In this talk, we introduce a characteristic po...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대 Lecturer이승진
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