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Lecturer 박형주
Dept. 포항공과대학교
date Nov 05, 2009
국제수학자대회(ICM, International Congress of Mathematicians)는 1897년 쮜리히에서 처음 개최되었고, 매 4년마다 개최된다. 100여국 4천여 명 정도의 규모로 9일 동안 계속된다. 우리시대 최고의 수학자들이 참여하며, 필즈상(Fields Medal)을 개막식에서 수여하는 전통으로 인해 일반인의 기초과학에 대한 관심을 증폭시키는 훌륭한 행사가 되기도 한다. ICM 전후에 40-60개의 소, 중규모(30명~500명) satellite conference들이 개최국 및 인접국가에서 개최되는 관행으로, 개최국 전 국민이 약 한 달간을 수학과 함께 보내는 특이한 전통을 가지고 있다. 
최근 한국인 ICM 초청강연자가 나오고 한국의 국제수학연맹(IMU) 국가등급상향이 이루어지는 등 한국 수학의 질적, 양적 성장이 분명해지고 있다. 이를 한국 수학의 도약으로 연결하기 위해, 대한수학회는 ICM 유치를 추진하기로 하였고, IMU 집행위원회는 한국, 브라질, 캐나다의 유치제안서 검토와 후보국가 실사를 거쳐서 서울을 단일 후보도시로 선정하였다.
2014 서울 ICM을 준비하고 개최하는 과정에서, 정부와 산업체의 수학에 대한 이해와 적극적 지원을 확보하고, 유망한 젊은 인재들이 수학으로 진입하는 계기가 되도록 하는 비젼과 프로그램을 준비해야 한다. 특히 젊은 연구자들에게 다양한 훈련기회와 동기를 부여하는 것이 중요하다.
Attachment '1'
  1. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Introduction to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

    In this talk, I will briefly introduce some properties of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Then, I will review some classical results obtained by harmonic analysis tools.
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.UNIST Lecturer배한택
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  2. Mixed type PDEs and compressible flow

    If density of flow is globally a constant, then the flow is said incompressible. Otherwise, the flow is said compressible. Flow motion of compressible inviscid flow is governed by Euler system. The Euler system is a nonlinear PDE system desc...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.POSTECH Lecturer배명진
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  3. Seoul ICM 2014 유치과정 개요 및 준비전략

    국제수학자대회(ICM, International Congress of Mathematicians)는 1897년 쮜리히에서 처음 개최되었고, 매 4년마다 개최된다. 100여국 4천여 명 정도의 규모로 9일 동안 계속된다. 우리시대 최고의 수학자들이 참여하며, 필즈상(Fields Medal)을 개막식에서 ...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.포항공과대학교 Lecturer박형주
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  4. 2022-2 Rookies Pitch: Algebraic Geometry (박현준)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.KIAS Lecturer박현준
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  5. 2021-1 Rookies Pitch: PDE, Dynamical Systems (박한솔)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.수리과학부 Lecturer박한솔
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  6. Equations defining algebraic curves and their tangent and secant varieties

    It is a fundamental problem in algebraic geometry to study equations defining algebraic curves. In 1984, Mark Green formulated a famous conjecture on equations defining canonical curves and their syzygies. In early 2000's, Claire Voisin...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.KAIST Lecturer박진형
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  7. 2021-1 Rookies Pitch: PDE, Regularity Theory (박진완)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.수학연구소 Lecturer박진완
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  8. Chern-Simons invariant and eta invariant for Schottky hyperbolic manifolds

    In this talk, I will explain a relationship of the Chern-Simons invariant and the eta invariant for Schottky hyperbolic manifolds. The relating formula involves a defect term given by the Bergman tau function over the conformal boundary Riem...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.KIAS Lecturer박진성
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  9. Iwasawa main conjecture and p-adic L-functions

    The theory of L-functions and zeta functions have been the key subject of mathematical research during the centuries since the Riemann zeta function was introduced and its important connection to the arithmetic of the integer was recognized....
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.포항공과대학교 Lecturer박지훈
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  10. 2023-2 Optimization Theory (박지선)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.수리과학부 Lecturer박지선
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  11. 최고과학기술인상수상 기념강연: On the wild world of 4-manifolds

    Despite of the fact that 4-dimensional manifolds together with 3-dimensional manifolds are the most fundamental and important objects in geometry and topology and topologists had great achievements in 1960's, there has been little known on 4...
    CategorySpecial Colloquia Dept.서울대학교 Lecturer박종일
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  12. Restriction theorems for real and complex curves

    We will talk about the Fourier restriction theorems for non-degenerate and degenerate curves in Euclidean space Rd. This problem was first studied by E. M. Stein and C. Fefferman for the circle and sphere, and it still remains an unsolved pr...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.포항공과대학교 Lecturer박종국
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  13. Infinite order rationally slice knots

    A knot is a smooth embedding of an oriented circle into the three-sphere, and two knots are concordant if they cobound a smoothly embedded annulus in the three-sphere times the interval. Concordance gives an equivalence relation, and the se...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.카이스트 수리과학과 Lecturer박정환
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  14. Hybrid discontinuous Galerkin methods in computational science and engineering

    Computation facilitates to understand phenomena and processes from science and engineering; we no longer need to depend only on theory and experiment. Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) is a rapidly developing multidisciplinary area...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대 Lecturer박은재
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  15. How to solve linear systems in practice

    There are basically two approaches for solving linear systems: one is to exactly solve the linear sytem such as Gaussian-elimination. The other approximates the solution in the Krylov spaces; Conjugate-gradient and General minimum residual m...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.이화여대 수학과 Lecturer민조홍
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  16. 2022-1 Rookies Pitch: Symplectic Topology (문지연)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.수학연구소 Lecturer문지연
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  17. Generalized multiscale HDG (hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin) methods for flows in highly heterogeneous porous media

    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.육군사관학교 Lecturer문미남
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  18. WGAN with an Infinitely wide generator has no spurious stationary points

    Generative adversarial networks (GAN) are a widely used class of deep generative models, but their minimax training dynamics are not understood very well. In this work, we show that GANs with a 2-layer infinite-width generator and a 2-layer...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대학교 Lecturer류경석
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  19. High dimensional nonlinear dynamics

    In this talk, I am trying to introduce “what is high dimensional chaos” and also my research works in this area.
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.경북대학교 Lecturer도영해
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  20. 2023-1 Symplectic Topology (노경민)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch Dept.서울대학교 Lecturer노경민
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