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강연자 Yuri Egorov
소속 Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse
date 2010-10-28

On some nonlinear elliptic problems

첨부 '1'
  1. A new view of Fokker-Planck equations in finite and Infinite dimensional spaces

    Fokker-Planck and Kolmogorov (backward) equations can be interpreted as linearisations of the underlying stochastic differential equations (SDE). It turns out that, in particular, on infinite dimensional spaces (i.e. for example if the SDE i...
    Category수학강연회 소속Bielefeld Univ./Purdue Univ. 강연자Michael Roeckner
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  2. 원의 유리매개화에 관련된 수학

    The spaces admitting a rational parameterization are called rational. In particular plane conics, including circles, are rational. We will explain a few interesting applications of the rational parameterization of a circle. Also several exam...
    Category수학강연회 소속건국대학교 강연자최인송
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  3. Introduction to Non-Positively Curved Groups

    Introduction to Non-Positively Curved Groups
    Category수학강연회 소속KAIST 강연자김상현
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  4. Noncommutative Geometry. Quantum Space-Time and Diffeomorphism Invariant Geometry

    A general goal of noncommutative geometry (in the sense of A. Connes) is to translate the main tools of differential geometry into the Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics by taking advantage of the familiar duality between spaces an...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자Raphael Ponge
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  5. 행렬함수 Permanent의 극소값 결정과 미해결 문제들

    볼록다면체에서 permanent 함수의 최소값은 얼마인가? 그 때의 최소행렬은 어떤 형태인가? 그리고 이중확률구조를 갖는 행렬들에 대하여 제약조건이 주어지면 볼록다면체의 면 위에서 permanent 함수의 최소값들은 어떻게 결정하는가? 등에 관하여 연구된 내용...
    Category수학강연회 소속제주대학교/서울대학교 강연자송석준
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  6. The Mathematics of the Bose Gas and its Condensation

    Since Bose and Einstein discovered the condensation of Bose gas, which we now call Bose-Einstein condensation, its mathematical properties have been of great importance for mathematical physics. Recently, many rigorous results have been obta...
    Category수학강연회 소속KAIST 강연자이지운
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  7. Codimension Three Conjecture

    We proved the codimension three conjecture that says the micro-local perverse sheaves extend if it is defined outside odimension three (counting from Lagrangian subvarity). It is a joint work with Kari Vilonen.
    Category수학강연회 소속교토대학교/서울대학교 강연자Masaki Kashiwara
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  8. 학부생을 위한 강연: 건축과 수학

    수학의 기하학, 위상학 그리고 알고리즘의 건축디자인의 적용 사례 및 이론적 배경
    Category수학강연회 소속UI 건축사무소 강연자위진복
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  9. Classical and Quantum Probability Theory

    We start with the famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle to give the idea of the probability in quantum mechanics. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states by precise inequalities that the product of uncertainties of two physical quantit...
    Category수학강연회 소속충북대학교 강연자지운식
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  10. Iwasawa main conjecture and p-adic L-functions

    The theory of L-functions and zeta functions have been the key subject of mathematical research during the centuries since the Riemann zeta function was introduced and its important connection to the arithmetic of the integer was recognized....
    Category수학강연회 소속포항공과대학교 강연자박지훈
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  11. 학부생을 위한 강연: Choi's orthogonal Latin Squares is at least 61 years earlier than Euler's

    조선시대 영의정을 지낸 최석정(1646-1715)은 그의 저서 구수략에 여러 크기의 직교라틴방진을 남겼는데 이는 combinatorial mathematics의 효시로 알려진 Leonhard Euler(1707?1783) 의 직교라틴방진보다도 적어도 61년이 앞서는 기록이다. 놀랍게도 최석정이...
    Category수학강연회 소속연세대학교 강연자송홍엽
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  12. 젊은과학자상 수상기념강연: From particle to kinetic and hydrodynamic descriptions to flocking and synchronization

    In this talk, I will report a recent progress for the modeling of collective behaviors of complex systems, in particular ocking and synchronization. Flocking and synchro-nization are ubiquitous in our daily life, for example, ocking of birds...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자하승열
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  13. Sums of squares in quadratic number rings

    It is usually a difficult problem to characterize precisely which elements of a given integral domain can be written as a sum of squares of elements from the integral domain. Let R denote the ring of integers in a quadratic number field. Thi...
    Category수학강연회 소속Univ. of Kentucky 강연자David Leep
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  14. Fano manifolds of Calabi-Yau Type

    Fano manifolds of Calabi-Yau Type
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자Atanas Iliev
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  15. 곡선의 정의란 무엇인가?

    곡선은 방정식, 매개화된 곡선의 동치류, 모듈 등의 다양한 관점에서 정의될 수 있다. 미끈한 곡선의 경우는 모든 정의들이 본질적으로 동등하지만 이들의 극한을 취하면 관점에 따라 완전히 다른 답들이 얻어진다. 따라서 미끈한 곡선들의 집합은 관점에 따라...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자김영훈
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  16. The significance of dimensions in mathematics

    The significance of dimensions in mathematics
    Category수학강연회 소속Kyoto Univ./서울대학교 강연자Heisuke Hironaka
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  17. Fermat´s last theorem

    Fermat´s last theorem
    Category수학강연회 소속카이스트 강연자최서현
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  18. It all started with Moser

    We survey work on a class of nonlinear elliptic PDEs that was initiated by Moser. Methods from PDE, dynamical systems, and geometry set in the framework of the calculus of variations are used to construct a rich collection of solutions.
    Category수학강연회 소속Univ. of Wisconsin/포항공대 강연자Paul Rabinowitz
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  19. On some nonlinear elliptic problems

    On some nonlinear elliptic problems
    Category수학강연회 소속Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse 강연자Yuri Egorov
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  20. Topology and number theory

    We will review a number of topological themes in number theory, starting with homology and ending with a discussion arithmetic homotopy.
    Category수학강연회 소속Univ. College London/포항공대 강연자김민형
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