Extra Form
Lecturer Raphael Ponge
Dept. 서울대학교
date Sep 22, 2011
A general goal of noncommutative geometry (in the sense of A. Connes) is to translate the main tools of differential geometry into the Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics by taking advantage of the familiar duality between spaces and algebras. In this setting noncommutative spaces are only represented through noncommutative algebras that play formally the role of algebras of functions on these (ghost) noncommutative spaces.?As?a?result,?this allows us to deal with a variety of geometric problems whose noncommutative nature prevent us from using tools of classical differential geometry. In particular, the Atiyah-Singer index theorem untilmately holds in the setting of noncommutative geometry.
The talk will be an overview of the subject with a special emphasis on quantum space-time and diffeomorphism invariant geometry. In particular, if time is permitted, ?it is planned to allude to recent projects in biholomorphism invariant geometry of complex domains and contactomorphism invariant geometry of contact manifolds.
Attachment '1'
List of Articles
Category Subject Dept. Lecturer
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