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강연자 국웅
소속 서울대학교
date 2013-10-10
The main topic of the talk is a determinantal formula for high dimensional tree numbers of acyclic complexes via combinatorial Laplace operators . This result is a generalization of Temperley's tree number formula for graphs, motivated by a simple (but not well-known) observation that Temperley's method uses combinatorial Laplacian  in dimension zero. The talk will begin with a brief survey of properties and applications of including network theory and topological data analysis. Towards the end, we will discuss a logarithmic version of the main formula of the talk and demonstrate intriguing applications of its generating function to various complexes that arise naturally in combinatorics.
첨부 '1'
  1. 정년퇴임 기념강연: Volume Conjecture

    Volume conjecture를 설명하고 현재까지의 연구결과 그리고 앞으로의 연구계획을 소개한다.
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자김혁
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  2. Queer Lie Superalgebras

    The Lie superalgebra q(n) is the second super-analogue of the general Lie algebra gl(n). Due to its complicated structure, q(n) is usually called “the queer superalgebra”. In this talk we will discuss certain old and new results related to t...
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  3. Regularization by noise in nonlinear evolution equations

    There are some phenomena called "regularization by noise" in nonlinear evolution equations. This means that if you add a noise to the system, the system would have a better property than without noise. As one of examples, I will explain this...
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  4. A New Approach to Discrete Logarithm with Auxiliary Inputs

    Let be a cyclic group with generator . The discrete logarithm problem with auxiliary inputs (DLPwAI) is asked to find with auxiliary inputs , ,…, . In Eurocrypt 2006, an algorithm is proposed to solve DLPwAI in when . In this paper, we reduc...
    Category특별강연 소속서울대학교 강연자천정희
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  5. Contact topology and the three-body problem

    In this talk, we discuss recent work with Albers, Cieliebak, Fish, Frauenfelder, Hofer and Paternain on several aspects of the three body problem. The ultimate goal of this project is to use modern, holomorphic curve techniques to investigat...
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  6. Harmonic bundles and Toda lattices with opposite sign

    In this talk, we shall discuss the semi-infinite variation of Hodge structure associated to real valued solutions of a Toda equation. First, we describe a classification of the real valued solutions of the Toda equation in terms of their par...
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  7. Mathematical Analysis Models and Siumlations

    In this talk, we shall first present several examples of numerical simulations of complex industrial systems. All these simulations rely upon some mathematical models involving Partial Differential Equations and we shall briefly explain the ...
    Category특별강연 소속Collège de France 강연자Pierre-Louis Lions
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  8. Connes's Embedding Conjecture and its equivalent

    I will talk on Cannes's Embedding Conjecture, which is considered as one of the most important open problems in the field of operator algebras. It asserts that every finite von Neumann algebra is approximable by matrix algebras in suitable s...
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  9. Connectedness of a zero-level set as a geometric estimate for parabolic PDEs

    Studies on PDEs are mostly focused on ?nding properties of PDEs within a speci?c discipline and on developing a technique specialized to them. However, ?nding a common structure over di?erent disciplines and unifying theories from di?erent s...
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  10. Combinatorial Laplacians on Acyclic Complexes

    The main topic of the talk is a determinantal formula for high dimensional tree numbers of acyclic complexes via combinatorial Laplace operators . This result is a generalization of Temperley's tree number formula for graphs, motivated by a ...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자국웅
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  11. 학부생을 위한 ε 강연회: Mathematics from the theory of entanglement

    The notion of entanglement is now considered as a basic resource for the current quantum information and quantum computation theory. We discuss what kinds of mathematics are related to the theory. They include operator algebras, matrix theor...
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  12. L-function: complex vs. p-adic

    Several L-functions with the names Dirichlet, Dedekind, Elliptic, and so on usually have p-adic counterparts, so called p-adic L-functions, which share many similar properties such as an evaluation formula at s=1, class number formula, and e...
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  13. 학부생을 위한 ε 강연회: Sir Isaac Newton and scientific computing

    아이작 뉴턴의 계산과학에 관한 업적을 소개한다.
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자신동우
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  14. A brief introduction to stochastic models, stochastic integrals and stochastic PDEs

    Stochastic Model, Integrals 그리고 PDE의 기본 개념과 최신 연구 동향을 소개한다.
    Category수학강연회 소속고려대학교 강연자김경훈
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  15. Mixed type PDEs and compressible flow

    If density of flow is globally a constant, then the flow is said incompressible. Otherwise, the flow is said compressible. Flow motion of compressible inviscid flow is governed by Euler system. The Euler system is a nonlinear PDE system desc...
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  16. Freudenthal medal, Klein medal 수상자의 수학교육이론

    2000년 국제수학교육위원회( International Commission on Mathematical Instruction)는 수학교육연구에 탁월한 업적을 이룬 학자에게 수여하는 Freudenthal 메달과 Klein메달을 제정하여, 2003년 부터 홀수 해에 수상하고 있다. 이 강연에서는 2012년 서울에...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대 수학교육과 강연자권오남
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  17. Compressible viscous Navier-Stokes flows: Corner singularity, regularity

    In this talk I will talk about existence and regularity for solutions to the compressible viscous Navier-Stokes equations on nonsmooth domains, especially with corners. The solution is constructed by the decomposition of the corner singulari...
    Category수학강연회 소속POSTECH 강연자권재룡
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  18. 학부생을 위한 ε 강연회: Constructions by ruler and compass together with a conic

    Trisection of an angle and duplication of a cube are among the famous problems of Greeks. Although they were proven later to be impossible in general, Greeks already knew that one can trisect an angle and duplicate a cube by supplimenting se...
    Category수학강연회 소속건국대/서울대 강연자최인송
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  19. Non-commutative Lp-spaces and analysis on quantum spaces

    In this talk we will take a look at analysis on quantum spaces using non-commutative Lp spaces. We will first review what a non-commutative Lpspace is, and then we will see few examples of quantum spaces where Lp analysis problems arise natu...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자이훈희
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  20. Randomness of prime numbers

    Ergodic theory of horocycle flow and nilflow has been proved to be useful for analyzing the randomness of Mobius function, a function which reveals the mystery of prime numbers. In this survey talk, we will introduce Mobius function and seve...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자임선희
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