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Lecturer 강정한
Dept. 연세대학교
date Nov 03, 2016

사회에 대 연구는 모형 중심의 연구와 자료 중심의 연구로 나눠볼 수 있다. 최근 빅데이터를 비롯 자료 형태의 혁신은 연구의 중심을 모형 중심에서 자료 중심으로 옮기는 듯 하다. 그러나 "변수"를 중심으로 혁신적 자료를 활용다면 여전히 모형이 과학적 연구의 중심에 놓이게 된다. 본 발표는 다양 자료의 혁신을 통해 사회를 연구하는 사례를 보여주고, 자료의 혁신이 어떻게 모형의 혁신과 연결될 수 있는지 살펴본다. 특히 최근 자료의 혁신은 수많은 "실험"을 가능하게 함으로써 모형의 혁신도 가능하게 하고 있다

  1. Mathemaics & Hedge Fund

    헤지펀드에서 사용하고 있는 전략들을 간단히 소개하고 수학적 아이디어가 사용되는 예를 들어 퀀트의 필요한 능력을 소개한다. 수학과 헤지펀드의 관점에서 머신러닝(인공지능)의 사용 예를 설명한다.
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.지큐자산운용 Lecturer김택근
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  2. Unique ergodicity for foliations

    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.Université Paris-Sud LecturerNessim Sibony
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  3. Conformal field theory in mathematics

    Since Belavin, Polyakov, and Zamolodchikov introduced conformal field theory as an operator algebra formalism which relates some conformally invariant critical clusters in two-dimensional lattice models to the representation theory of Viraso...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.고등과학원 Lecturer강남규
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  4. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> A mathematical approach to xEV battery system

    최근, 노트북, 비디오 카메라, 휴대용 전화기 등과 같은 휴대용 전자 제품의 수요가 급격하게 증대되고, 전기 자동차, 에너지 저장용 축전지, 로봇, 위성 등의 개발이 본격화됨에 따라, 반복적인 충방전이 가능한 고성능 배터리에 대한 관심이 늘어나고 있다. ...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.LG화학 Lecturer안형준
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  5. Anomalous diffusions and fractional order differential equations

    Anomalous diffusion phenomenon has been observed in many natural systems, from the signalling of biological cells, to the foraging behaviour of animals, to the travel times of contaminants in groundwater. In this talk, I will first discuss t...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.University of Washington LecturerZhen-Qing Chen
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  6. Seeded Ising Model for Human Iris Templates and Secure Distributed Iris Recognition

    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대학교 Lecturer최형인
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  7. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 4차 산업혁명, 글로벌 디지털 혁신과 일자리 전쟁, 대학의 역할

    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대 전기정보공학부, 빅데이터연구원 원장 Lecturer차상균
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  8. An equivalent condition to Bohr's for Dirichlet series

    초록: SNU-abstract.pdf
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.포항공대 Lecturer최윤성
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  9. On the Schauder theory for elliptic PDEs

    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대학교 Lecturer김세익
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  10. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 서비스 진보의 관점에서 본 AI technology

    기술적 관점에서 AI Technology를 가볍게 살펴보고, 소개하는 서비스 별로 AI를 접목했을 때 어떤 진보 혹은 혁신이 가능한지, 그로 인해 어떤 사업적 가능성이 있는지를 살펴보겠습니다. AI 는 모두가 생각하는 장미빛 청사진 만을 가진것이 아니라 과거의 많...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.이스트소프트 대표 Lecturer정상원
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  11. Seifert fiberings

    There are three Bieberbach theorems on flat Riemannian manifolds; characterization, rigidity and finiteness. These extend to almost flat manifolds. We discuss characterization, rigidity and finiteness of infra-nilmanifolds (almost flat manif...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.University of Oklahoma Lecturer이경배
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  12. Mixing time of random processes

    The general theory implies that the distribution of an irreducible Markov chain converges to its stationary distribution as time diverges to infinity. The speed of corresponding convergence is a significant issue in the study of mathematical...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대 Lecturer서인석
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  13. Periodic orbits in symplectic geometry

    Symplectic geometry has one of its origins in Hamiltonian dynamics. In the late 60s Arnold made a fundamental conjecture about the minimal number of periodic orbits of Hamiltonian vector fields. This is a far-reaching generalization of Poinc...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대 Lecturer강정수
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  14. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 196884=196883+1

    In late 1970's John McKay discovered the astonishing identity 196884=196883+1, which lead Conway and Norton to formulate the famous Monstrous Moonshine conjectures about the Monster group, the largest sporadic finite simple group. The simple...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.이화여대 Lecturer김현규
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  15. Mathematical Models and Intervention Strategies for Emerging Infectious Diseases: MERS, Ebola and 2009 A/H1N1 Influenza

    Emerging infectious diseases have long been recognized as a continuous, inevitable, unpredictable threat to the global public health. Hence, understanding the underlying dynamics why they spread and what causes epidemics gives key ideas of i...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.건국대학교 교수, 현 산업응용수학회 회장 Lecturer정은옥
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  16. Convex and non-convex optimization methods in image processing

    In this talk, we discuss some results of convex and non-convex optimization methods in image processing. Examples including image colorization, blind decovolution and impulse noise removal are presented to demonstrate these methods. Their a...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.Hong Kong Baptist University LecturerMichael Ng
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  17. Creation of concepts for prediction models and quantitative trading

    Modern mathematics with axiomatic systems has been developed to create a complete reasoning system. This was one of the most exciting mathematical experiments. However, even after the failure of the experiment, mathematical research is still...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.Haafor Lecturer이승환
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  18. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Introduction to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

    In this talk, I will briefly introduce some properties of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Then, I will review some classical results obtained by harmonic analysis tools.
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.UNIST Lecturer배한택
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  19. An introduction to hyperplane arrangements

    A hyperplane arrangement is an arrangement of a finite set of hyperplanes in some vector space. Hyperplane arrangements generalize other famous combinatorial objects such as graphs and matroids. In this talk, we introduce a characteristic po...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대 Lecturer이승진
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  20. What happens inside a black hole?

    Black holes are perhaps the most celebrated predictions of general relativity. Miraculously, these complicated spacetimes arise as explicit (i.e., exact expression can be written down!) solutions to the vacuum Einstein equation. Looking thes...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.고등과학원 Lecturer오성진
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