Abstract: The mini-course is an introductory and self-contained approach to the method of intrinsic scaling, aiming at bringing to light what is really essential in this powerful tool in the analysis of degenerate and singular equations. The theory is presented from scratch for the simplest model case of the degenerate p-Laplace equation, leaving aside
technical renements needed to deal with more general situations. A striking feature of the method is its pervasiveness in terms of the applications and I hope to convince the audience of its strength as a systematic approach to regularity for an important and relevant class of nonlinear partial dierential equations. I will extensively follow my book
14 , with complements and extensions from a variety of sources (listed in the references), mainly

10/16()09:00 11:00 Lecture I.
An impressionist history lesson: from Hilbert's 19th problem to DeGiorgi-Nash-Moser theory; the quasilinear case { contributions from the Russian school; enters DiBenedetto { the method of intrinsic scaling.

10/17()09:00- 11:00 Lecture II.
The building blocks of the theory: local energy and logarithmic estimates. The geometric setting and an alternative.

10/19()09:00 -11:00 Lecture III.
The rst alternative: getting started; expansion in time and the role of the logarithmic estimates; reduction of the oscillation.

10/22()09:00 -11:00 Lecture IV.
Towards the Holder continuity: the second alternative; the recursive argument.

10/23()09:00 -11:00 Lecture V.
The singular case and further generalisations: immiscible uids and chemotaxis; phase transitions.
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Mar 14, 2023  16:40-17:10  Macroscopic structure of stochastic partial differential equations 이재윤  129-101 
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Nov 09, 2023  16:00-16:30  Some special solutions of incompressible Euler equations 임덕우  129-101 
Mar 28, 2024  16:40-17:10  <Rookies Pitch> Finite path integral and a second monoidal cohomology class of cobordism category 김민규  129-101 
Sep 19, 2023  16:00-16:30  Universal-like integral quadratic forms 윤종흔  129-101 
Sep 19, 2023  16:40-17:10  Non-vanishing mod p of special L-values 권재성  129-101 
Mar 28, 2024  16:00-16:30  <Rookies Pitch> About deformation rigidity of some quasi-homogeneous varieties with Picard number one 김신영  129-101 
Oct 12, 2023  16:40-17:10  What are Generative Models? 최재웅  129-101 
Oct 12, 2023  16:00-16:30  Mathematical understanding of first-order optimization algorithms 박지선  129-101 
Dec 05, 2023  16:00-16:30  Free boundary minimal surfaces in a ball and eigenvalue problems 서동휘  129-101 
Dec 05, 2023  16:40-17:10  Why do we study minimal submanifolds? 이재훈  129-101