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Lecturer 정일효
Dept. 부산대학교 수학과
date Nov 07, 2019
The 21st century is the age of life science. Two issues in the life sciences are that humans live long, healthy lives and maintain a steady state of the earth's ecosystems despite disturbances. In this talk, we will look at how mathematics is incorporated into biology with practical examples. The major terminology will be introduced and various cases of mathematics applied to biology will be presented based on the mathematical model. In particular, it has been classified as mathematical biology by integrating the study of conducting this research, which began in the early 20th century, and many scholars are now participating in expanding the breadth and depth of theory and its applications.

When mathematics meets biology, it is possible to derive more reasonable and useful information, and to understand that the applicability of mathematics to other disciplines is infinite.

Key words: Mathematical models, Mathematical Modeling, Differential equations, Stochastic Equation, Biomathematics, Mathematical Biology

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