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소속 서울대학교
date 2022-04-28


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(강연자료 다운: Geometric Langlands Theory [A Bridge between Number Theory and Physics] (2022.04.28).pdf )


초록: The Langlands program consists of a tantalizing collection of surprising results and conjectures which relate algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory, harmonic analysis, and representation theory among other things. The geometric Langlands program was discovered as a geometric analogue of the Langlands program. In recent years, it has been discovered that the geometric Langlands program has another unexpected origin in the ideas of quantum field theory, which is the best existing framework of physics in describing our universe on the micro scale. In this talk, we aim to provide a global overview of this giant program and mention some applications of quantum field theory to the geometric Langlands program.

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  20. Geometric Langlands theory: A bridge between number theory and physics

    ※ 강연 앞 부분이 잘렸습니다. (강연자료 다운: Geometric Langlands Theory [A Bridge between Number Theory and Physics] (2022.04.28).pdf ) 초록: The Langlands program consists of a tantalizing collection of surprising results and conjectures w...
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