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강연자 이신명
소속 수리과학부
date 2022-09-20

첨부 '1'
  1. Brownian motion and energy minimizing measure in negative curvature

    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자임선희
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  2. Cloaking via Change of Variables

    We consider the problem of identifying the material properties from boundary measurements. For the conductivity case, this is known as Calderon problem: “Is it possible to determine the electrical conductivity inside a domain from the bounda...
    Category수학강연회 소속KAIST 강연자임미경
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  3. 2023-2 Long-time Behavior of PDE (임덕우)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch 소속KIAS 강연자임덕우
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  4. Non-commutative Lp-spaces and analysis on quantum spaces

    In this talk we will take a look at analysis on quantum spaces using non-commutative Lp spaces. We will first review what a non-commutative Lpspace is, and then we will see few examples of quantum spaces where Lp analysis problems arise natu...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자이훈희
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  5. Alice and Bob meet Banach and von Neumann

    양자컴퓨터와 양자암호로 대표되는 양자기술의 응용이 대두되면서 그 기반이 되는 양자정보학에 대한 관심이 그 어느때보다 높다. 양자정보학은 양자상태의 정보량 및 양자상태를 전송할 때 전달되는 정보량을 분석하고자 하는 목표를 가지고 있는데 많은 경우...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대 강연자이훈희
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  6. Analysis and computations of stochastic optimal control problems for stochastic PDEs

    Many mathematical and computational analyses have been performed for deterministic partial differential equations (PDEs) that have perfectly known input data. However, in reality, many physical and engineering problems involve some level of ...
    Category수학강연회 소속아주대 강연자이형천
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  7. 2021-2 Rookies Pitch: Stochastic Analysis (이해성)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch 소속서울대학교 수학연구소 강연자이해성
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  8. Heavy-tailed large deviations and deep learning's generalization mystery

    Abstract: While the typical behaviors of stochastic systems are often deceptively oblivious to the tail distributions of the underlying uncertainties, the ways rare events arise are vastly different depending on whether the underlying tail ...
    Category수학강연회 소속Northwestern University 강연자이창한
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  9. Role of Computational Mathematics and Image Processing in Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT)

    Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT) is a late medical imaging modality visualizing static conductivity images of electrically conducting subjects. When we inject current into the object, it produces internal distributi...
    Category수학강연회 소속KAIST 강연자이창옥
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  10. 2021-2 Rookies Pitch: Harmonic Analysis (이진봉)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch 소속서울대학교 강연자이진봉
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  11. The Mathematics of the Bose Gas and its Condensation

    Since Bose and Einstein discovered the condensation of Bose gas, which we now call Bose-Einstein condensation, its mathematical properties have been of great importance for mathematical physics. Recently, many rigorous results have been obta...
    Category수학강연회 소속KAIST 강연자이지운
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  12. 2022-2 Rookies Pitch: Probability Theory (이중경)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch 소속수리과학부 강연자이중경
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  13. Averaging formula for Nielsen numbers

    We will show that the averaging formula for Nielsen numbers holds for continuous maps on infra-nilmanifolds: Let M be an infra-nilmanifold with a holonomy group Phi and f : M -> M be a continuous map. Then N(f ) = 1/| Phi | Sum_{A in Phi} | ...
    Category수학강연회 소속서강대학교 강연자이종범
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  14. 2021-2 Rookies Pitch: Arithmetic Statistics (이정인)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch 소속KIAS 강연자이정인
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  15. 2023-2 Minimal Surface Theory (이재훈)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch 소속KIAS 강연자이재훈
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  16. 2023-1 Stochastic PDE(이재윤)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch 소속KIAS 강연자이재윤
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  17. <정년퇴임 기념강연> Hardy, Beurling, and invariant subspaces

    The invariant subspace problem is one of the longstanding open problem in the field of functional analysis and operator theory. It is due to J. von Neumann (in 1932) and is stated as: Does every operator have a nontrivial invariant subspace...
    Category수학강연회 소속서울대학교 강연자이우영
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  18. Global result for multiple positive radial solutions of p-Laplacian system on exterior domain

    Global result for multiple positive radial solutions of p-Laplacian system on exterior domain In this talk, we consider p-Laplacian systems with singular indefinite weights. Exploiting Amann type three solutions theorem for the singular syst...
    Category수학강연회 소속부산대학교 강연자이용훈
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  19. On function field and smooth specialization of a hypersurface in the projective space

    In this talk, we will discuss two interesting problems on hypersurfaces in the projective space. The first one is the absolute Galois theory on the function field of a very general hypersurface in the projective space. The other one is the c...
    Category수학강연회 소속KAIST 강연자이용남
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  20. 2022-2 Rookies Pitch: Representation Theory(이신명)

    CategoryBK21 FOUR Rookies Pitch 소속수리과학부 강연자이신명
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