Mar 03, 2021  14:30-16:45  Zeta함수와 L함수에 대한 역사적 고찰 Ⅹ 신석우  선택 
Mar 08, 2021  16:30-17:30  On class groups of random number fields Alex Bartel  선택 
Mar 15, 2021  16:30-17:30  On class groups of random number fields Alex Bartel  선택 
Mar 22, 2021  16:30-17:30  On class groups of random number fields Alex Bartel  선택 
Mar 16, 2021  11:00-12:00  Transfer operators and limit laws for typical cocycles Kiho Park  선택 
Mar 19, 2021  14:00-16:00  QKD 기반의 보안네트워크 구축 손일권  선택 
Apr 12, 2021  15:30-16:30  Singular moduli for real quadratic fields I Jan Vonk  선택 
Apr 19, 2021  15:30-16:30  Singular moduli for real quadratic fields II Jan Vonk  선택 
Apr 26, 2021  15:30-16:30  Singular moduli for real quadratic fields III Jan Vonk  선택 
Apr 09, 2021  14:00-16:00  Bound entangled states that allow players to distill one-way genuine secret-sharing state 최민진  선택 
May 12, 2021  16:00-18:00  Functional analytical techniques in the analysis of infinitely wide neural networks 류경석  선택 
May 14, 2021  15:30-16:30  On some results about non-holomorphic Jacobi forms 진석호  선택 
May 03, 2021  15:30-16:30  Local Shimura varieties and their cohomology I, II, III David Hansen  선택 
May 10, 2021  15:30-16:30  Local Shimura varieties and their cohomology I, II, III David Hansen  선택 
May 17, 2021  15:30-16:30  Local Shimura varieties and their cohomology I, II, III David Hansen  선택 
Feb 01, 2021  17:00-17:45  Dynamics of Ostrowski skew-product: Limit laws and Hausdorff dimensions 이정원  선택 
Feb 03, 2021  17:00-17:45  Polynomial Sarnak's conjecture and related topics Ruxi Shi  선택 
Feb 01, 2021  16:00-16:45  Aperiodic order on tilings 이정엽  선택 
Feb 03, 2021  15:00-15:45  Geometric analysis on linear groups over a local field of positive characteristic 권상훈  선택 
Feb 01, 2021  15:00-15:45  Intrinsic Diophantine Approximation of circles and spheres 김동한  선택