Feb 23, 2024  14:00-16:00  디지털마케팅의 이해 : 양자과학의 응용 심현  선택 
Feb 28, 2024  16:00-17:30  Nonvanishing of L-function of some Hecke characters on cyclotomic fields 정근영  선택 
Mar 05, 2024  15:30-17:00  Nonvanishing of L-function of some Hecke characters on cyclotomic fields II 정근영  선택 
Mar 11, 2024  16:00-17:00  Discussion on the regularity and the singularity in the fluid equations with/without the viscosity effect 조민준  선택 
Mar 20, 2024  14:00-16:00  T-depth of quantum circuits 김태완  선택 
May 29, 2024  16:00-17:00  Robust estimates for elliptic nonlocal operators on metric measure spaces 조수빈  선택 
Jun 12, 2024  17:00-18:15  Introduction to spectral network Eugen Rogozinnikov  선택