Jun 22, 2021  10:00-11:00  세미나 제목 A non-iterative sampling method for inverse elastic wave scattering by rough surfaces and some results about the direct and inverse electromagnetic wave scattering by an elastic body Tielei Zhu  선택 
Jun 17, 2021  16:00-17:00  Pairs Trading of two Assets with uncertainty in co-integration's level of mean reversion 이상민  27-325 
Jun 11, 2021  14:30-15:30  The pentagonal theorem of sixty-three and generalizations of Cauchy's lemma 주장원  27-116 
Jun 07, 2021  11:00-12:00  Iwasawa Theory of Elliptic Curves Debanjana Kundu  선택 
Jun 04, 2021  09:00-10:30  Superposition principle for stochastic nonlinear Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations Marco Rehmeier  129-301 
Jun 04, 2021  16:00-17:00  Problems for the Hermite and special Hermite expansions 유재현  27-220 
Jun 04, 2021  14:00-16:00  Introduction to derived categories 조창연  선택 
Jun 03, 2021  10:30-12:30  Locking-free and locally-conservative enriched Galerkin methods for linear poroelasticity 이상현  129-310 
Jun 02, 2021  16:00-18:00  Sums of free variables in symmetric spaces Éric Ricard  선택 
Jun 01, 2021  14:00 ~ 15:00  Topics in the singularities of plurisubharmonic functions 안종봉  27-220 
Jun 01, 2021  16:00-17:00  On the Bochner-Riesz operator in R^3 정은희  선택 
May 31, 2021  16:00-17:00  Overview of some recent developments in geometric topology 백형렬  129-310 
May 31, 2021  11:00-12:00  Iwasawa Theory of Elliptic Curves Debanjana Kundu  선택 
May 28, 2021  09:00-11:00  Nonuniqueness in law for stochastic hypodissipative NSE Marco Rehmeier  27-220 
May 28, 2021  14:00-16:00  Topological entropy 0 and conformal dimension 1 in complex dynamics 박인성  27-220 
May 28, 2021  10:00-12:00  Introduction to derived categories 조창연  선택 
May 27, 2021  17:00-18:00  Robustness of deep neural networks to adversarial attack: from heuristic methods to certified methods 이성윤  27-116 
May 26, 2021  10:00-11:00  Characterizations of the plane and the catenoid as free boundary minimal surfaces 연응범  27-220 
May 26, 2021  11:00-12:00  Uniqueness and existence results of minimal surfaces in four-dimensional Euclidean space 이재훈  27-220