2022-12-02  13:00-15:00  Equidistribution theorems and their application to Oppenheim conjecture-typed problems 한지영  129-309 
2022-12-01  16:00-17:30  Groups acting on the circle with invariant veering pairs 정홍택  129-301 
2022-11-29  17:00-18:00  Discrete double Hilbert transform along polynomials 송호영  27-116 
2022-11-25  15:00-16:00  Metastability of Langevin dynamics 이중경  27-220 
2022-11-24  16:30-18:00  2D incompressible Euler system in presence of sources and sinks Franck Sueur  선택 
2022-11-23  16:00-18:00  Circle companions of Hardy classes 이우영  129-406 
2022-11-22  17:00-18:00  Newton Polygons and Oscillatory Integral Operators 강민범  27-116 
2022-11-21  17:00~18:00  On the emergent behaviors of Cucker-Smale type flocks 변준혁  27-220 
2022-11-18  13:00-15:00  Regularity properties of Brjuno functions associated with classical continued fractions 이슬비  129-309 
2022-11-18  13:00-15:00  Regularity properties of Brjuno functions associated with classical continued fractions 이슬비  129-309 
2022-11-16  16:00-18:00  Levy processes on quantum groups and examples Ami Viselter  129-406 
2022-11-16  16:00-17:00  Representations on the cohomology of moduli spaces 이동건  27-220 
2022-11-15  17:00-18:00  L2-boundedness of Bochner-Riesz means on the Heisenberg group plane 전현우  27-116 
2022-11-11  15:00-16:00  Regularity theory for nonautonomous problems with quasi-isotropic (p,q)-growth 옥지훈  129-309 
2022-11-11  16:00-17:00  Recent advances in double-phase problems 김연호  129-309 
2022-11-11  15:00-16:00  Fredholm Property of the Linearized Boltzmann Operator for a Mixture of Polyatomic Gases Marwa Shahine  27-325 
2022-11-09  14:00-16:00  Parabolic representations of knots and generalized Riley polynomials 김선화  129-309 
2022-11-09  16:00-18:00  Co-amenable quantum homogeneous spaces of compact Kac quantum groups Fatemeh Khosravi  129-406 
2022-11-04  10:00-18:00  <QSMS-BK21 Symplectic Geometry Seminar> Introduction to Floer Homotopy: Kuranishi Structures 김용환  27-317 
2022-11-04  16:00-17:00  Approximations with mod 2 congruence conditions 이슬비  27-325