2023-2 Number Theory (권재성)
2023-2 Number Theory (윤종흔)
<정년퇴임 기념강연> 작용소대수와 양자정보이론
Entropy of symplectic automorphisms
Equations defining algebraic curves and their tangent and secant varieties
2023-1 Number Theory (김민규)
2023-1 Number Theory (김대준)
2023-1 Symplectic Topology (노경민)
2023-1 Symplectic Topology (이상진)
Descent in derived algebraic geometry
2023-1 Algebraic Combinatorics (오재성)
2023-1 Algebraic Combinatorics (김동현)
2023-1 Dynamics and Number Theory (이슬비)
2023-1 Geometric Toplology (정홍택)
Toward bridging a connection between machine learning and applied mathematics
Vlasov-Maxwell equations and the Dynamics of Plasmas
2023-1 Stochastic PDE(이재윤)
2023-1 Probabilistic Potential Theroy (강재훈)
Study stochastic biochemical systems via their underlying network structures
<학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 복잡한 생명현상을 위한 21세기 현미경, 수학!