2022-03-07  18:00-20:00  Hofer-Zehnder capacity from Hamiltonian circle actions 황택규  선택 
2022-03-08  16:00-16:30  Parametrizing rings of low rank 이석형  129-101 
2022-03-08  16:40-17:10  Algebraic structures in integrable systems Sylvain Carpentier  129-101 
2022-03-11  18:00-20:00  시계열을 통한 이상데이터 탐지 오중석  27-220 
2022-03-14  10:00-17:00  < BK21-QSMS Toric Geometry Seminar > The Fredholm regularity of discs 이원준  129-309 
2022-03-15  16:00-17:00  Conditional large-data global well-posedness of Dirac equation with Hartree-type nonlinearity 홍석창  27-116 
2022-03-16  16:00-18:00  Pointwise convergence of noncommutative Fourier series Xumin Wang  선택 
2022-03-17  16:00-17:30  Small scale formations in the incompressible porous media equation Yao Yao  선택 
2022-03-18  16:00-17:00  On p-rationality of $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{2l+1})^{+}$ for Sophie Germain primes $l$ Donghyeok Lim  27-325 
2022-03-18  14:00-16:00  Quantum private Informaion Retrieval 송승환  선택 
2022-03-21  22:00-23:00  Three lectures on the Eisenstein ideal Preston Wake  선택 
2022-03-22  16:00-16:30  Introduction to Secure Computation 이기우  129-101 
2022-03-22  16:40-17:10  Pattern formation of the Cucker-Smale ensemble with bonding feedback control on Riemannian manifolds 안현진  129-101 
2022-03-22  22:00-23:00  Three lectures on the Eisenstein ideal Preston Wake  선택 
2022-03-23  16:00-18:00  Local and multilinear noncommutative de Leeuw theorems Martijn Caspers  선택 
2022-03-24  22:00-23:00  Three lectures on the Eisenstein ideal Preston Wake  선택 
2022-03-24  14:00-15:30  Radial symmetry of stationary and uniformly-rotating solutions in 2D incompressible fluid equations Yao Yao  선택 
2022-03-25  14:00-16:00  Research on Blockchain: ETH 2.0 & Decentralized Financial (Defi) Market 장희수  선택 
2022-03-29  13:00-15:00  양자 과학기술 응용을 위한 전자파와 통신의 기초(5) 주창현  선택 
2022-03-30  16:00-18:00  Maximal estimates for averages over space curves 이상혁  129-406