Sep 21, 2022  18:00-19:00  An overview on noncommutative maximal inequalities Guixiang Hong  선택 
Sep 27, 2022  15:00-16:00  Categories of Whittaker Modules over Lie superalgebras and Categorification of Fock Spaces Shun-Jen Cheng  선택 
Sep 28, 2022  16:00-18:00  A universal framework for entanglement detection of invariant quantum states 박상준  선택 
Oct 05, 2022  16:00-18:00  A universal framework for entanglement detection of invariant quantum states 박상준  선택 
Oct 18, 2022  10:00-12:00  Remarks on the long-time dynamics of 2D Euler Theodore Drivas  선택 
Oct 25, 2022  10:00-11:00  Rational liftings and gRSK Travis Scrimshaw  선택 
Oct 25, 2022  11:00-12:00  Crystal Invariant Theory Travis Scrimshaw  선택 
Oct 21, 2022  14:00-15:00  Regularity properties of Brjuno functions associated with classical continued fractions 이슬비  선택 
Nov 03, 2022  10:00-11:00  Global well-posedness of slightly supercritical SQG equation and exponential gradient estimate 최형준  선택 
Nov 24, 2022  16:30-18:00  2D incompressible Euler system in presence of sources and sinks Franck Sueur  선택 
Dec 02, 2022  10:00-11:00  Torsion points and concurrent exceptional curves on del Pezzo surfaces of degree one Julie Desjardins  선택 
Jan 17, 2023  11:00-12:00  Intrinsic Diophantine approximation of circles and spheres 차병철  선택 
Jan 11, 2023  16:00-17:00  Dimension theory of groups of diffeomorphisms of the circle. Weikun He  선택 
Jan 13, 2023  13:00-15:00  Correlated Quantum Randomness and Koashi-Imoto Theorem 이석형  선택 
Jan 13, 2023  15:00-17:00  Nonclassicality and Entanglement beyond Gaussian Regime 나현철  선택 
Feb 07, 2023  09:00-11:00  Introduction to i-quantum groups Weiqiang Wang  선택 
Feb 13, 2023  09:00-11:00  Introduction to i-quantum groups Weiqiang Wang  선택 
Feb 15, 2023  10:00-12:00  Invitation to crystal bases for quantum symmetric pairs Hideya Watanabe  선택 
Feb 17, 2023  10:00-11:00  Invitation to crystal bases for quantum symmetric pairs Hideya Watanabe  선택 
Feb 07, 2023  10:00-12:00  Introduction to random graphs, and thresholds 박진영  선택