Math Colloquia
Oct 16, 2014  16:00-17:00  정교민 (서울대학교 전기공학부)Recommendation system and matrix completion: SVD and its applications (* 학부생을 위한 ɛ강연) 정교민  129-101 
Oct 02, 2014  16:00-17:00  Deformation spaces of Kleinian groups and beyond Kenichi Ohshika  129-101 
Sep 25, 2014  16:00-17:00  Idempotents and topologies Nico Spronk  129-101 
Sep 11, 2014  16:00-17:00  특수 복소 선형군의 불변 다항식 김상집  129-101 
May 29, 2014  16:00-17:00  On property (RD) Irine Peng  129-101 
May 22, 2014  16:00-17:00  Recent progress on the Brascamp-Lieb inequality and applications Neal Bez  129-101 
May 15, 2014  16:00-17:00  Existence of positive solutions for phi-Laplacian systems file 이용훈  129-101 
May 08, 2014  16:00-17:00  Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for irregular holonomic D-modules Masaki Kashiwara  129-101 
May 01, 2014  16:00-17:00  Normal form reduction for unconditional well-posedness of canonical dispersive equations 권순식  129-101 
Apr 17, 2014  16:00-17:00  Random conformal geometry of Coulomb gas formalism 강남규  129-101 
Apr 10, 2014  16:00-17:00  Categorification of Donaldson-Thomas invariants 김영훈  129-101 
Apr 03, 2014  16:00-17:00  Noncommutative Surfaces Jens Hoppe  129-101 
Mar 27, 2014  16:00-17:00  The Shape of Data Gunnar Carlsson  129-101 
Mar 20, 2014  16:00-17:00  The Topology of Tiling Spaces Jean Bellissard  129-101 
Mar 13, 2014  16:00-17:00  Subgroups of Mapping Class Groups 김상현  129-101 
Nov 07, 2013  08:00  The logarithmic singularities of the Green functions of the conformal powers of the Laplacian Raphael Ponge  129-101 
Oct 31, 2013  16:00  Connes's Embedding Conjecture and its equivalent Narutaka Ozawa  129-101 
May 30, 2013  08:00  Volume conjecture 김혁  27-109 
May 16, 2013  08:00  ε Colloquia: Mathematics from the theory of entanglement 계승혁  27-109 
May 02, 2013  08:00  ε Colloquia : Sir Isaac Newton and scientific computing 신동우  27-109