2023-11-21  17:00-18:00  Local smoothing estimates for the wave equation in higher dimensions 이정진  27-116 
2021-10-19  16:00-16:30  Counting algebraic tori over Q by Artin conductor 이정인  129-101 
2017-08-17  16:30-18:00  Distribution of modular symbols: a dynamical approach 이정원  129-406 
2019-12-30  09:00-12:00  The Distribution of Lattice orbits on homogeneous spaces 이정원  27-116 
2019-04-23  13:00-14:00, 15:30-16:30  Dynamical analysis of skew-product models and applications 이정원  27-220 
2021-02-01  17:00-17:45  Dynamics of Ostrowski skew-product: Limit laws and Hausdorff dimensions 이정원  선택 
2023-08-09  16:00-18:00  Euclidean algorithms are Gaussian over imaginary quadratic fields 이정원  129-301 
2021-02-01  16:00-16:45  Aperiodic order on tilings 이정엽  선택 
2018-05-29  11:00-12:30  Number fields generated by cyclotomic Hecke L-values of totally real fields 이정연  129-104 
2019-11-01  16:00-17:00  STRUCTURE OF THE MORDELL-WEIL GROUP OVER $\mathbb{Z}_p$ - EXTENSIONS 이재훈  27-325 
2021-05-26  11:00-12:00  Uniqueness and existence results of minimal surfaces in four-dimensional Euclidean space 이재훈  27-220 
2023-12-05  16:40-17:10  Why do we study minimal submanifolds? 이재훈  129-101 
2019-10-18  14:00-15:00  Introduction to Calibrated Geometry 이재혁  129-104 
2019-11-15  16:00-17:00  Tannakian reconstruction of representable presheaves of groups on the category of cocommutative differential graded coalgebras 이재혁  27-325 
2019-12-13  17:00-18:00  Quarernionic projective spaces and 7-sphere 이재혁  129-406 
2022-07-15  14:00-16:00  Gate operations and telecorrection of hybrid qubits employing cat code 이재학  선택 
2023-03-14  16:40-17:10  Macroscopic structure of stochastic partial differential equations 이재윤  129-101 
2015-11-13  10:30-12:00  Limit dynamical systems and C^∗-algebras from self-similar graph actions 이인협  129-301 
2016-04-20  16:00-17:30  Inverse semigroups associated with one-dimensional generalized solenoids 이인협  129-301 
2017-03-15  16:00-17:30  Positively expansive systems from self-similar graph actions 이인협  129-301