2021-02-03  17:00-17:45  Polynomial Sarnak's conjecture and related topics Ruxi Shi  선택 
2021-10-26  10:00-11:30  Feigin-Semikhatov duality in W-superalgebras I Ryo Sato  선택 
2021-10-28  10:00-11:30  Feigin-Semikhatov duality in W-superalgebras II Ryo Sato  선택 
2019-11-12  17:00-18:00  Strongly stratified limit for the 3D inviscid Boussinesq equations Ryo Takada  27-116 
2024-03-15  09:00-10:00  Towards Ulam Type Multi Stability Analysis Safora Rezaei  27-325 
2016-11-30  17:00-18:00  On isomorphisms of Beurling algebras file Safoura Zadeh  129-301 
2015-04-08  16:30-17:30  Cuspidal curves on Rational Homology Planes Sagar Kolte  129-301 
2023-07-28  14:00-17:00  Systems of Conservation Laws and Stability of BV and Large L^2 Data Solutions Sam Krupa  27-325 
2024-07-01  14:00-16:00  Are $L^\infty$ solutions to 1-D hyperbolic systems unique? Sam Krupa  27-325 
2023-11-29  17:00-18:30  ISOMETRIC EMBEDDABILITY OF S^m_q INTO S^n_p Samya Kumar Ray  129-301 
2018-10-30  16:00-17:30  The mapping class groups of Heegaard splittings Sangbum Cho  129-406 
2016-06-28  16:00-17:00  Numerical Simulation of Bouncing Jets and Hydraulic Fracture Propagation Sanghyun Lee  선택 
2019-09-20  16:00-18:00  Ergodic functions over the p-adic integers file Sangtae Jeong  27-325 
2017-12-26  14:00-17:30  Lakshmibai-Seshadri path model for highest weight modules over Kac-Moody algebras Satoshi Naito  129-301 
2017-12-27  14:00-17:00  Lakshmibai-Seshadri path model for highest weight modules over Kac-Moody algebras Satoshi Naito  129-301 
2018-05-30  16:00-17:00  Quantizing Convolutional Neural Networks for Low-Power High-Throughput Inference Engines Sean O. Settle  129-307 
2017-02-28  16:00-17:00  Point-wise estimates for p-Laplace equations Sebastian Schwarzacher  129-301 
2014-07-16  14:00-15:00  Local structure of finite groups: fusion systems via bisets and partial groups Sejong Park  129-301 
2016-08-02  16:00-18:00  Toward a structure theorem for double Burnside algebras Sejong Park  129-301 
2022-04-15  16:00-18:00  A note on non-ordinary primes for some genus-zero arithmetic groups Seokho Jin  27-325