2022-07-12  10:30-13:00  Survival kit on plane curve singularities II Pablo Portilla Cuadrado  129-406 
2022-07-21  10:00-11:00  Finding ALL solutions 이경용  129-406 
2022-07-25  10:00-17:00  Seidel's Long Exact Sequence on Lagrangian Floer Cohomology 김경모  129-406 
2022-08-02  16:00-17:00  Harmonic map and its applications to minimal surface 박웅배  129-406 
2022-07-18  10:30-13:00  Characterizing the geometric monodromy group of an isolated plane curve singularity Pablo Portilla cuadrado  129-406 
2022-08-01  10:00-18:00  <QSMS-BK21 Toric Geometry Seminar> Dehn Twist Along an Exact Lagrangian Sphere 김도형  129-406 
2022-08-17  14:00-17:00  Spectral theory of Hankel and Toeplitz operators 황인성  129-406 
2022-08-16  14:00-17:00  Spectral theory of Hankel and Toeplitz operators 황인성  129-406 
2022-08-18  14:00-17:00  Spectral theory of Hankel and Toeplitz operators 황인성  129-406 
2022-08-08  10:30-18:00  Pseudoholomorphic Sections 김용환  129-406 
2022-08-24  10:00-12:30  Vector bundles and representation theory on a curve 문한봄  129-406 
2022-08-22  10:00-18:00  Representation Theory of Cohen-Macaulay Modules 노경민  129-406 
2022-08-29  10:00-18:00  Symplectic Cohomology, String Topology, and Deformations 김용환  129-406 
2022-09-13  16:00-21:00  Introduction to representations of quantum affine algebra .. file 장일승  129-406 
2022-09-07  10:00-12:00  Introduction to derived algebraic geometry 2 박현준  129-406 
2022-09-06  10:00-12:00  Introduction to derived algebraic geometry 1 박현준  129-406 
2022-09-28  16:00-19:00  Index-positive contact manifolds and Legendrians 권명기  129-406 
2022-10-12  16:00-18:00  Haagerup inequalities on non-Kac free orthogonal quantum groups 윤상균  129-406 
2022-10-25  15:00-18:00  Ergodic theory of complex continued fraction maps Hitoshi Nakada  129-406 
2022-10-26  16:00-18:00  Free Probability, Regularity, and Free Stein Dimension Ian Charlesworth  129-406