2018-06-08  16:00-17:30  Dirichlet forms and heat kernels on generalized diamond fractals Patricia Alonso-Ruiz  129-104 
2018-05-30  16:00-17:00  Quantizing Convolutional Neural Networks for Low-Power High-Throughput Inference Engines Sean O. Settle  129-307 
2018-05-30  16:00-17:30  인공신경망의 기초 한경훈  129-301 
2018-05-29  09:00-10:00  Backward SDEs and their applications to stochastic optimization and SPDE 남기훈  27-325 
2018-05-29  11:00-12:30  Number fields generated by cyclotomic Hecke L-values of totally real fields 이정연  129-104 
2018-05-29  15:30-18:00  Sign coherence of unit vectors in certain lattices 이규환  129-307 
2018-05-29  16:00-18:00  Categorical Gromov-Witten Invariants Lino Amorim  129-104 
2018-05-28  13:30-15:30  Perversely categorified Lagrangian correspondences Lino Amorim  27-325 
2018-05-23  16:00-18:00  Resolution of wavefront sets using wavelets Mahya Ghandehari  129-301 
2018-05-21  15:00-16:00  Liouville type theorems in cylinders Lihe Wang  129-301 
2018-05-21  16:00-17:30  Generalized Donaldson-Thomas Invariants via Kirwan Blowups Michail Savvas  129-406 
2018-05-21  16:00-18:00  Generalized Orlicz Spaces Peter Hasto  129-301 
2018-05-16  16:00-18:00  Canonical Systems on Spectral Theory 허인조  129-301 
2018-05-15  10:30-12:00  The monodromy map and Darboux coordinates on the SL(2,C)-character variety Chaya Norton  129-406 
2018-05-15  16:00-17:00  Elliptic and Hypoelliptic Diffusions with Singular Drift file 남경식  129-307 
2018-05-14  11:00-13:00  Information Asymmetry in Hedging 이기섭  129-301 
2018-05-03  11:00-12:00  Summary of Calabi-Yau Geometry Shing-Tung Yau  129-101 
2018-05-02  16:00-18:00  Open quantum random walks as quantum Markov chains 유현재  129-301 
2018-05-02  16;30-19:30  Propagation of boundary-induced discontinuity in stationary radiative transfer and its application to the diffused optical tomography Daisuke Kawagoe  129-307 
2018-04-30  16:30-19:30  Method of Moving Frames to solve PDEs on curved surfaces and their applications 천세훈  129-307