Aug 07, 2017  16:00-18:00  Mirror of Atiyah flop in symplectic geometry Hansol Hong  27-325 
Jul 28, 2017  16:00-17:00  Recent developments on complex Tauberian theorems for Laplace Jason Vindas  27-116 
Jul 27, 2017  10:00-12:00  Derivation of effective equations for interacting many particle system Peter Pickl  129-101 
Jul 26, 2017  10:00-12:00  Derivation of effective equations for interacting many particle system Peter Pickl  129-101 
Jul 25, 2017  15:00-17:00  Derivation of effective equations for interacting many particle system Peter Pickl  129-101 
Jul 21, 2017  16:00-17:00  Free products and algebraic structures of diffeomorphism groups Thomas Koberda  27-116 
Jul 20, 2017  16:00-17:00  Barycentre problems and geometry of the space of probability measures Young-Heon Kim  27-116 
Jul 17, 2017  11:00-12:00  Quasi-Stationary Distribution and Some Catalytic Particle Systems Min Kang (강민정)  129-301 
Jul 14, 2017  16:00-17:00  On the relationship between structure in the data and what deep learning can learn Raja Giryes  27-220 
Jul 14, 2017  16:00-17:00  Square-roots of Thompson’s group Thomas Koberda  129-301 
Jul 06, 2017  16:00-17:00  Generalized Sato-Tate conjecture and weight multiplicities of symplectic Lie algebras 이규환  27-325 
Jul 03, 2017  14:00-15:00  Higher dimensional Steinhaus problems Alan Haynes  129-301 
Jun 27, 2017  16:30-17:30  Towers of regular self-covers and linear endomorphisms of tori Van Limbeek  129-301 
Jun 22, 2017  16:00-17:00  Birational geometry of moduli spaces of parabolic bundles 문한봄  129-301 
Jun 22, 2017  16:00-17:30  When quantum theory meets information theory 배준우  선택 
Jun 22, 2017  14:00-15:00  Higher order multipoint flux mixed finite element methods Jeonghun Lee  선택 
Jun 19, 2017  16:00-17:00  To B(infty) and beyond Travis Scrimshaw  129-301 
Jun 19, 2017  15:00-17:00  Probabilistic Dynamic Simulation of Cancer Signaling Pathways Eugenia Lyashenko  129-406 
Jun 16, 2017  13:00-15:00  Square Root Problems for bounded operators Jasang Yoon  27-116 
Jun 16, 2017  14:00-16:30  An Introduction to algebra and representation theory in Sage Travis Scrimshaw  27-325