2016-12-08  17:30-18:30  산업계의 변화 동향 및 스타트업의 기회 김이식  129-101 
2016-12-06  16:00-17:00  Quantitative Oppenheim conjecture 임선희  129-406 
2016-11-30  16:00-17:00  S^1-boundedness of triple operator integrals file Clément Coine  129-301 
2016-11-30  17:00-18:00  On isomorphisms of Beurling algebras file Safoura Zadeh  129-301 
2016-11-29  17:00-18:30  CAT(0) cube complex의 소개 서동균  129-406 
2016-11-23  17:00-18:00  KMS states on C^*-algebras associated to k-graphs (spatial realizations) 강수란  129-301 
2016-11-22  17:00-18:30  SL_2(R) action on Hyperbolic plane 한지영  129-406 
2016-11-22  16:00-18:00  Finite index subgroups of right-angled Artin groups 박효원  129-104 
2016-11-17  16:00-17:00  알파고의 바둑 그리고 여자의 바둑 조혜연  129-101 
2016-11-17  11:00-13:00  Introduction to moduli space of flat connections over a Riemann surface 2 Nankuo Ho  129-406 
2016-11-16  16:00-17:30  Flexibility of projective representations 김상현  27-116 
2016-11-16  17:00-18:00  The role of phases in detencting three qubit entanglement 계승혁  129-301 
2016-11-15  11:00-13:00  Introduction to moduli space of flat connections over a Riemann surface 1 Nankuo Ho  129-406 
2016-11-15  16:00-17:00  Introduction to graph decomposition 김재훈  27-220 
2016-11-15  17:00-18:30  Non-finite generatedness of some linear groups 이돈성  129-406 
2016-11-14  16:00-17:00  Financial Mathematics, Old and New 박형빈  27-220 
2016-11-10  16:00-17:00  Large Deviation Theory and Its Applications 서인석  27-220 
2016-11-09  16:00-17:00  From classical mechanics to symplectic geometry 강정수  27-220 
2016-11-09  17:00-18:00  Generalized Cuntz-Krieger algebras associated to the Cantor minimal subshift 김선호  129-301 
2016-11-08  16:00-17:00  An alpha-stable limit theorem for Sinai billiards with cusps Paul Jung  129-104