2024-01-03  11:00-13:00  Fluid Equations and Dynamic Blood Flow Maryam Samavaki  129-309 
2024-05-28  11:00-13:00  Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for solving Black-Scholes PDEs for high-dimensional option pricing in finance and its complexity analysis Ariel Neufeld  27-220 
2024-08-09  11:00-13:00  On the almost everywhere convergence of planar Bochner Riesz mean Shukun Wu  129-307 
2024-11-18  11:00-13:00  Local superconformal algebras Surya Raghavendran  129-406 
2014-05-14  11:00-12:30  Recurrent network mechanism underlying working memory Sukbin Lim  129-301 
2015-04-02  11:00-12:30  Construction of unramified extensions with a prescribed solvable Galois group 김광섭  129-104 
2015-07-23  11:00-12:30  On some orders generated by units and their unit groups 이준호  129-104 
2015-09-18  11:00-12:30  Embedding expanders in groups and applications Damian Osajda  129-104 
2018-05-29  11:00-12:30  Number fields generated by cyclotomic Hecke L-values of totally real fields 이정연  129-104 
2018-06-14  11:00-12:30  Restriction problem of U(n+1)timesU(n) 한재호  129-104 
2019-11-11  11:00-12:30  Hausdorff dimension of divergent trajectories on product spaces Ronggang Shi  27-116 
2019-11-18  11:00-12:30  The regularity theory for the parabolic double obstacle problem 박진완  27-325 
2022-09-13  11:00-12:30  Topological quantum error correction and knots 유형기  129-301 
2023-06-15  11:00-12:30  On uniformly rotating binary stars 석진명  129-309 
2023-07-18  11:00-12:30  Divergent on average trajectories for higher rank actions 김우연  129-301 
2023-12-20  11:00-12:30  Integrating Navier–Stokes Equations, Hemodynamics, and Neuroimaging Maryam Samavaki  129-309 
2023-12-27  11:00-12:30  Pressure–Poisson Equation in Numerical Simulation of Cerebral Arterial Circulation and Its Effect on the Electrical Conductivity of the Brain Maryam Samavaki  129-309 
2024-08-27  11:00-12:30  [Sangsan Lecture 1] Stability of vortex pairs Ken Abe  129-104 
2024-08-29  11:00-12:30  [Sangsan Lecture 3] Stability of force-free fields Ken Abe  129-104 
2024-08-28  11:00-12:30  [Sangsan Lecture 2] Existence of vortex rings with swirls Ken Abe  129-104