2023-12-13  10:30-13:00  Navier-Stokes equations on Riemannian manifolds Maryam Samavaki  129-301 
2024-07-18  10:30-13:00  Highest weight categories and quasi-hereditary algebras 고한경  129-301 
2021-09-30  10:30-12:40  Schur-Weyl duality, old and new & Quantum symmetric pairs and Schur-type dualities Chun-Ju Lai  선택 
2016-04-21  10:30-12:30  Stability of pencils of quadrics and nets of quadrics 변상호  129-301 
2017-01-31  10:30-12:30  Hodge theory 이상욱  129-301 
2021-06-03  10:30-12:30  Locking-free and locally-conservative enriched Galerkin methods for linear poroelasticity 이상현  129-310 
2022-01-27  10:30-12:30  Simultaneous determination of shape and refractive index of a deformed microjet cavity from its resonances 문송기  선택 
2022-08-30  10:30-12:30  Quantitative nonembeddability of nilpotent Lie groups and groups of polynomial growth into superreflexive spaces 유승연  129-301 
2024-07-16  10:30-12:30  Highest weight categories and quasi-hereditary algebras 고한경  129-301 
2014-03-17  10:30-12:00  Probabilistic Topic Models: Models and Applications 김성현  129-310 
2014-03-24  10:30-12:00  Tutorial for Topological Data Analysis Talks Cho, Eungchun  129-310 
2014-03-14  10:30-12:00  Weighted Fourier algebras on non-compact Lie groups and their spectrum 이훈희  129-301 
2014-03-21  10:30-12:00  Topological Invariants in Disordered Systems jean V. Bellissard  129-301 
2014-03-14  10:30-12:00  Weighted Fourier algebras on non-compact Lie groups and their spectrum 이훈희  129-301 
2014-11-07  10:30-12:00  Introduction to Reidemeister torsion and twisted Alexander polynomials Teruaki Kitano  129-406 
2014-04-04  10:30-12:00  Generalization of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger theorem to multipartite high dimensional systems 이진형  129-301 
2014-04-11  10:30-12:00  Extremal Sextic Truncated Moment Problem 유성욱  129-301 
2014-04-18  10:30-12:00  Coactions of reduced Hopf C*-algebras on Cuntz-Pimsner algebras and their reduced crossed products 김동운  129-301 
2014-05-02  10:30-12:00  Banach-Tarski paradox and amenable groups 한경훈  27-220 
2014-05-09  10:30-12:00  Normal Hankel operators with operator-valued symbols 강동오  129-301