2021-12-28  10:00-11:30  Regularity and existence of weak solutions of porous medium equation with a divergence type of drift I 황숙정  선택 
2022-07-04  10:00-11:30  Complex Kuranishi spaces 1 오정석  27-325 
2022-08-24  10:00-11:30  Low regularity ill-posedness for elastic waves and ideal compressible MHD in 3D and 2D Xinliang An  선택 
2023-02-21  10:00-11:30  Instantaneous gap loss of Sobolev regularity of solutions to the 2D incompressible Euler equations Wojciech Ozanski  선택 
2023-06-01  10:00-11:30  On well-posedness of singular vortex patches 조민준  27-325 
2023-09-18  10:00-11:30  Upper Bound of the Quantitative Oppenheim Conjecture II 강민찬  129-301 
2014-11-07  10:00-11:00  Stability of the CIP scheme applied to advection equations Yuusuke Iso  선택 
2015-05-15  10:00-11:00  Reflexivity and hyperreflexivity of bounded n-cocycle spaces and application to convolution operators file Ebrahim Samei  129-301 
2015-12-04  10:00-11:00  New deformation of convolution algebras and Fourier algebras and its operator algebra characterization 윤상균  129-301 
2016-03-19  10:00-11:00  Riesz potential type estimates for parabolic equations with measurable nonlinearities 김유찬  27-325 
2017-08-16  10:00-11:00  The Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann System for the Whole Range of Cutoff Soft Potentials Qinghua Xiao  27-325 
2018-08-06  10:00-11:00  From the compressible Navier-Stokes system to shocks for the corresponding compressible Euler system Alexis Vasseur  27-220 
2018-10-26  10:00-11:00  Gaussian quantum technologies: teleportation and beyond Gerardo Adesso  129-301 
2018-10-27  10:00-11:00  Gaussian quantum technologies: teleportation and beyond Gerardo Adesso  129-104 
2019-11-06  10:00-11:00  A condition for blow-up solutions to discrete semilinear wave equations on networks file 최민준  27-220 
2021-08-03  10:00-11:00  Geometric approaches to the local Langlands correspondence I-IV 홍세린  27-220 
2021-06-22  10:00-11:00  세미나 제목 A non-iterative sampling method for inverse elastic wave scattering by rough surfaces and some results about the direct and inverse electromagnetic wave scattering by an elastic body Tielei Zhu  선택 
2021-05-26  10:00-11:00  Characterizations of the plane and the catenoid as free boundary minimal surfaces 연응범  27-220 
2021-08-05  10:00-11:00  Geometric approaches to the local Langlands correspondence I-IV 홍세린  27-220 
2021-09-15  10:00-11:00  Limit theory and large deviations of random contingency tables 류한백  선택