Mar 24, 2023  18:00-20:00  Ternary diagonal quadratic forms representing the same integers 주장원  27-325 
May 14, 2024  17:00-18:30  Even universal sums of triangular numbers 주장원  27-325 
May 03, 2022  16:00-16:30  Fukaya categories of singularities 좌동욱  129-101 
Nov 17, 2016  16:00-17:00  알파고의 바둑 그리고 여자의 바둑 조혜연  129-101 
Oct 01, 2021  14:00-15:00  A recent development and application of sharp capturing methods 조현태  27-220 
Apr 14, 2023  16:00-17:00  On the emergent behaviors of the inertial Kuramoto model 조항준  27-220 
Jul 05, 2021  14:00-16:00  Algebraic operations on Fukaya category 조철현  129-406 
Mar 09, 2021  16:40-17:10  When algebraic geometry meets infinity-category theory 조창연  129-101 
May 14, 2021  15:00-17:00  Introduction to derived categories 조창연  선택 
May 21, 2021  14:00-16:00  Introduction to derived categories 조창연  선택 
May 28, 2021  10:00-12:00  Introduction to derived categories 조창연  선택 
Jun 04, 2021  14:00-16:00  Introduction to derived categories 조창연  선택 
Dec 14, 2021  16:00-18:00  A brief introduction to differential graded Lie algebras I, II 조창연  129-301 
Dec 16, 2021  16:00-18:00  A brief introduction to differential graded Lie algebras I, II 조창연  129-301 
Feb 19, 2016  10:00-12:00  Cluster algebra on the braids 조진석  129-406 
Nov 04, 2014  16:00-17:00  A note on the pointwise convergence for the Schrödinger equation 조주희  27-325 
Jan 19, 2018  16:00-17:00  Low-lying zeros of Cubic Dirichlet L-functions and the Ratios Conjecture 조재현  129-301 
Jul 05, 2018  15:00-16:00  Semicircular elements induced by p-adic number fields 조일우  129-406 
Apr 24, 2015  11:00-12:00  Topological data analysis(TDA) 조응천  27-220 
Apr 23, 2019  16:00-17:30  Exceptional collections and toric degenerations of del Pezzo surfaces 조용화  129-301