2024-02-26  14:00-15:00  Spectrally-large scale geometry and symplectic squeezing in cotangent bundle of torus Qi Feng  선택 
2024-02-23  14:00-16:00  디지털마케팅의 이해 : 양자과학의 응용 심현  선택 
2024-02-28  16:00-17:30  Nonvanishing of L-function of some Hecke characters on cyclotomic fields 정근영  선택 
2024-03-05  15:30-17:00  Nonvanishing of L-function of some Hecke characters on cyclotomic fields II 정근영  선택 
2024-03-11  16:00-17:00  Discussion on the regularity and the singularity in the fluid equations with/without the viscosity effect 조민준  선택 
2024-03-20  14:00-16:00  T-depth of quantum circuits 김태완  선택 
2024-05-29  16:00-17:00  Robust estimates for elliptic nonlocal operators on metric measure spaces 조수빈  선택 
2024-06-12  17:00-18:15  Introduction to spectral network Eugen Rogozinnikov  선택 
2024-07-09  10:00-11:00  Existence and rigidity of infinite circle packings Yongquan Zhang  선택 
2024-08-03  14:00-16:00  Quantum loss sensing under a noisy environment with classical Fisher information 박상일  선택 
2024-08-20  09:00-10:00  Visual processing and cortical network structures 최한나  선택 
2024-09-10  17:00-18:00  Generation of cyclotomic Hecke fields by L-values of Hecke characters over totally real fields Jaesung Kwon  선택 
2024-09-27  14  How to fault-tolerantly realize any quantum circuit with local operations 최신호  선택 
2024-10-25  14:00-16:00  Simulating Clifford circuits with a framed Wigner function 권혁준  선택 
2024-11-12  17:00-18:00  Recent advances on the weight part of Serre's conjecture Heejong Lee  선택 
2025-01-17  14:00-16:00  Fundamental photon generation, interference, and control using Doppler-broadened atomic vapor 정택  선택