2024-08-12  10:30-11:30  Quantitative Floer theory and coefficients Yusuke Kawamoto  129-406 
2024-08-12  14:00-15:00  Exact Lagrangian tori in symplectic Milnor fibers constructed with fillings Orsola Capovilla-Searle  129-406 
2024-08-22  10:30-12:00  Outer symplectic billiard Peter Albers  129-406 
2024-08-19  14:00-18:00  Gaussian fluctuation of Euclidean Φ^4 QFT 성기훈  129-406 
2024-10-08  15:30-17:30  Khintchine's theorem for fractal measures Timothée Benard  129-406 
2024-11-06  15:00-16:00  3D mirror symmetry Naichung Conan Leung  129-406 
2024-11-06  16:00-17:00  3d mirror symmetry is mirror symmetry Naichung Conan Leung  129-406 
2024-11-18  11:00-13:00  Local superconformal algebras Surya Raghavendran  129-406 
2024-12-02  15:00-17:00  On finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine superalgebras of type A 이신명  129-406 
2025-01-22  11:00-12:30  Relative symplectic homology and Rabinowitz Floer homology 김성호  129-406 
2014-03-17  10:30-12:00  Probabilistic Topic Models: Models and Applications 김성현  129-310 
2014-03-24  10:30-12:00  Tutorial for Topological Data Analysis Talks Cho, Eungchun  129-310 
2014-05-01  14:00-15:00  Rational torsion points of $J_0(pq)$ 유화종  129-310 
2014-05-21  16:00-17:00  Classification of Calabi-Yau threefolds of type K Kenji Hashimoto  129-310 
2014-07-24  16:00-18:00  Arithmetically Cohen - Macaulay vector bundles on hypersurfaces in P4 Carlo Madonna  129-310 
2014-10-24  16:00-17:00  Stochastic integration for adapted and instantly independent stochastic processes Hui-Hsiung Kuo  129-310 
2015-04-17  11:00-12:00  Almost sure local wellposedness of energy critical fractional Schr 황경하  129-310 
2016-02-12  15:00-16:00  The index of an Eisenstein ideal 유화종  129-310 
2016-04-15  16:00-17:00  Combinatorics on Dyck tilings 김장수  129-310 
2016-06-08  17:00-18:00  Tropical Grassmannian and Dressian 신재호  129-310