2014-07-07  10:00-12:00  Introduction to Large Deviation Theory I 강완모  27-325 
2014-07-09  10:00-12:00  Introduction to Large Deviation Theory II 강완모  27-116 
2014-07-11  10:00-12:00  Introduction to Large Deviation Theory III 강완모  27-325 
2019-12-13  16:00-17:00  Divisibility property of the Fourier coefficients of (mock) modular functions 강순이  27-325 
2016-05-25  17:00-18:00  Quantum Heisenberg manifolds as twisted groupoid C^*-algebras file 강수란  129-301 
2016-11-23  17:00-18:00  KMS states on C^*-algebras associated to k-graphs (spatial realizations) 강수란  129-301 
2017-10-18  16:00-17:30  Monic representations associated to higher-rank graphs 강수란  129-301 
2019-05-29  17:00-18:00  Yang-Mills connections on quantum Heisenberg manifolds 강수란  129-301 
2022-11-01  16:00-16:30  Stable diffeomorphism of exotic 4-manifolds 강성경  129-101 
2014-06-03  16:00-17:30  Higher representation theory and quantum affine Schur-Weyl duality 강석진  27-220 
2020-07-29  11:00-12:00  Structure analysis of direct sampling method in 3D electromagnetic inverse scattering problem 강상우  27-116 
2017-05-24  16:00-18:00  Antipode map on quantum groups and quantum groupoids 강병재  129-301 
2022-12-15  17:00-18:00  금융이 수학이 될 때, 수학이 금융이 될 때 강병국  27-325 
2023-08-29  13:30-15:00  Upper Bound of the Quantitative Oppenheim Conjecture 강민찬  129-301 
2023-09-18  10:00-11:30  Upper Bound of the Quantitative Oppenheim Conjecture II 강민찬  129-301 
2022-11-22  17:00-18:00  Newton Polygons and Oscillatory Integral Operators 강민범  27-116 
2021-05-14  14:30-15:30  On the emerging asymptotic patterns of the Winfree model 강명주  27-220 
2014-05-09  10:30-12:00  Normal Hankel operators with operator-valued symbols 강동오  129-301 
2014-09-24  16:00-17:00  Properties of Truncated Toeplitz operators 강동오  27-220 
2015-05-23  10:00-13:00  Intensive Lecture on truncated Toeplitz operators 강동오  27-429