학부학생을 위한 강연회: 기하학과 우주론
Regularity theory for nonlocal equations
<학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Mathematics and music: Pythagoras, Bach, Fibonacci and AI
An equivalent condition to Bohr's for Dirichlet series
A wrapped Fukaya category of knot complement and hyperbolic knot
Noise-induced phenomena in stochastic heat equations
Seoul ICM 2014 유치과정 개요 및 준비전략
Iwasawa main conjecture and p-adic L-functions
4-manifold topology and disk embedding
Restriction theorems for real and complex curves
Trends to equilibrium in collisional rarefied gas theory
Study stochastic biochemical systems via their underlying network structures
Vlasov-Maxwell equations and the Dynamics of Plasmas
Infinite order rationally slice knots
Fermat´s last theorem
1 is big enough to understand 3
One and Two dimensional Coulomb Systems
<학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 복잡한 생명현상을 위한 21세기 현미경, 수학!
Classical and Quantum Probability Theory
L-function: complex vs. p-adic