1. 07Nov
    by Editor
    in 수학강연회

    Root multiplicities of hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras and Fourier coefficients of modular forms

  2. 07Nov
    by Editor
    in 수학강연회

    학부학생을 위한 강연회: 기하학과 우주론

  3. 19Nov
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Trends to equilibrium in collisional rarefied gas theory

  4. 12Apr
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Mirror symmetry of pairings

  5. 06Dec
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Convergence of Fourier series and integrals in Lebesgue spaces

  6. 17Mar
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    An introduction to hyperplane arrangements

  7. 12Apr
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Creation of concepts for prediction models and quantitative trading

  8. 29May
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    On function field and smooth specialization of a hypersurface in the projective space

  9. 07Nov
    by Editor
    in 수학강연회

    Global result for multiple positive radial solutions of p-Laplacian system on exterior domain

  10. 17Oct
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    <정년퇴임 기념강연> Hardy, Beurling, and invariant subspaces

  11. 29Nov
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Survey on a geography of model theory

  12. 01Nov
    by Manager
    in 수학강연회

    Averaging formula for Nielsen numbers

  13. 07Nov
    by Editor
    in 수학강연회

    The Mathematics of the Bose Gas and its Condensation

  14. 07Nov
    by Editor
    in 수학강연회

    Role of Computational Mathematics and Image Processing in Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT)

  15. 17Oct
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Heavy-tailed large deviations and deep learning's generalization mystery

  16. 14Jun
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Analysis and computations of stochastic optimal control problems for stochastic PDEs

  17. 07Nov
    by Editor
    in 수학강연회

    Non-commutative Lp-spaces and analysis on quantum spaces

  18. 28Sep
    by 김수현
    in 수학강연회

    Alice and Bob meet Banach and von Neumann

  19. 07Nov
    by Editor
    in 수학강연회

    Cloaking via Change of Variables

  20. 01Nov
    by Manager
    in 수학강연회

    Volume entropy of hyperbolic buildings

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