1. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Continuous-time Portfolio Selection

    현대 연속시간 포트폴리오 선택이론에 대하여 설명한다. 마코위츠 의 정적 선택이론으로 시작하여 머튼의 연속시간 선택이론을 설명한다. 1950년대 우주 개발을 위하여 개발된 최적 제어이론이 연속시간 포트폴리오 선택이론에 어떻게 사용되었는가를 설명하고...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.아주대학교 금융공학과 Lecturer구형건
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    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.Univ. of Rhode Island/서울대학교 Lecturer국웅
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  3. Combinatorial Laplacians on Acyclic Complexes

    The main topic of the talk is a determinantal formula for high dimensional tree numbers of acyclic complexes via combinatorial Laplace operators . This result is a generalization of Temperley's tree number formula for graphs, motivated by a ...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대학교 Lecturer국웅
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  4. Contact topology of singularities and symplectic fillings

    For an isolated singularity, the intersection with a small sphere forms a smooth manifold, called the link of a singularity. It admits a canonical contact structure, and this turns out to be a fine invariant of singularities and provides an...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.순천대학교 Lecturer권명기
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  5. Normal form reduction for unconditional well-posedness of canonical dispersive equations

    Normal form method is a classical ODE technique begun by H. Poincare. Via a suitable transformation one reduce a differential equation to a simpler form, where most of nonresonant terms are cancelled. In this talk, I begin to explain the not...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.KAIST Lecturer권순식
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  6. Freudenthal medal, Klein medal 수상자의 수학교육이론

    2000년 국제수학교육위원회( International Commission on Mathematical Instruction)는 수학교육연구에 탁월한 업적을 이룬 학자에게 수여하는 Freudenthal 메달과 Klein메달을 제정하여, 2003년 부터 홀수 해에 수상하고 있다. 이 강연에서는 2012년 서울에...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대 수학교육과 Lecturer권오남
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  7. Compressible viscous Navier-Stokes flows: Corner singularity, regularity

    In this talk I will talk about existence and regularity for solutions to the compressible viscous Navier-Stokes equations on nonsmooth domains, especially with corners. The solution is constructed by the decomposition of the corner singulari...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.POSTECH Lecturer권재룡
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  8. Weyl character formula and Kac-Wakimoto conjecture

    The character of the finite-dimensional irreducible modules over a finite-dimensional simple Lie algebra is given by the celebrated Weyl character formula. However, such a formula does not hold in general for finite-dimensional irreducible m...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대 Lecturer권재훈
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  9. Zeros of linear combinations of zeta functions

    We will introduce the behavior of zeros of linear combinations of zeta functions. Those linear combinations are related to the Riemann zeta function, the Eisenstein series, Periods, etc.
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대학교 Lecturer기하서
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  10. Zeros of the derivatives of the Riemann zeta function

    I will introduce behavior of the derivatives of the Riemann zeta function.
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.연세대 Lecturer기하서
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  11. Noise-induced phenomena in stochastic heat equations

    Stochastic heat equations (SHE) usually refer to heat equations perturbed by noise and can be a model for the density of diffusing particles under a random potential. When the irregularity of noise is dominating the diffusion, SHE exhibits ...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.포항공대 Lecturer김건우
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  12. A brief introduction to stochastic models, stochastic integrals and stochastic PDEs

    Stochastic Model, Integrals 그리고 PDE의 기본 개념과 최신 연구 동향을 소개한다.
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.고려대학교 Lecturer김경훈
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  13. On classification of long-term dynamics for some critical PDEs

    This talk concerns the problem of classifying long-term dynamics for critical evolutionary PDEs. I will first discuss what the critical PDEs are and soliton resolution for these equations. Building upon soliton resolution, I will further in...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대학교 Lecturer김기현
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  14. 정년퇴임 기념강연: 회고

    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대 Lecturer김도한
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  15. Arithmetic of elliptic curves

    Elliptic curves defined over the rationals satisfy two finiteness properties; its group of rational points is a finitely generated abelian group and it has only finitely many points with integral coordinates. Bhargava and his collaborators e...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대 Lecturer김도형
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  16. 학부생을위한ε강연: 수학자는 왜 선망되는 직업일까?

    현대 사회에서 수학의 역할과 수학자에 대한 수요는 갈수록 증가하고 있다. 미국의 어떤 조사에서는 수학자가 가장 선망 받는 직업으로 분류되고, 영국에서 수학이 경제에 미치는 영향을 분석한 Deloitte 보고서에 따르면 영국 직업의 10%가 수학 연구와 직접...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.KAIST Lecturer김동수
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  17. <학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> Intuition, Mathematics and Proof

    We rely on intuition every day, and we use mathematics every day. Intuition is fast, powerful and omniapplicable, but sometimes wrong. Mathematics is efficient, powerful and correct, when applicable. Whenever there is an uncertainty, a proof...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.KAIST 수리과학과 Lecturer김동수
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  18. Subword complexity, expansion of real numbers and irrationality exponents

    We introduce and study a new complexity function in combinatorics on words, which takes into account the smallest return time of a factor of an infinite word. We characterize the eventually periodic words and the Sturmian words by means of t...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.동국대 Lecturer김동한
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  19. The Lagrange and Markov Spectra of Pythagorean triples

    The Lagrange spectrum is the set of approximation constants in the Diophantine approximation for badly approximated numbers. It is closely related with the Markov spectrum which corresponds the minimum values of indefinite quadratic forms ov...
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.동국대학교 Lecturer김동한
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  20. <정년퇴임 기념강연> 수학의 시대정신(?)

    일각에서 혁명이라고 칭할 정도로 4차 산업은 미래 사회를 송두리째 변혁시킬 것으로 예견되고 있다. 이러한 대변혁의 시기를 맞아 우리나라 수학의 미래를 위해, 우리 수학계가 처한 위기와 기회를 파악하고, 나아갈 방향에 대한 논의를 시작해 보고자 한다.
    CategoryMath Colloquia Dept.서울대학교 수리과학부 Lecturer김명환
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