2021-1 Rookies Pitch: Number Theory (김예슬)
Connectedness of a zero-level set as a geometric estimate for parabolic PDEs
Symplectic topology and mirror symmetry of partial flag manifolds
The process of mathematical modelling for complex and stochastic biological systems
<학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 복잡한 생명현상을 위한 21세기 현미경, 수학!
Circular maximal functions on the Heisenberg group
Entropy of symplectic automorphisms
2023-2 Mathematical Fluid Dynamics (김준하)
2021-2 Rookies Pitch: Number Theory (김지구)
Study stochastic biochemical systems via their underlying network structures
A dissipative effect on some PDEs with physical singularity
Satellite operators on knot concordance
Mathemaics & Hedge Fund
정년퇴임 기념강연: Volume Conjecture
<학부생을 위한 ɛ 강연> 196884=196883+1
행렬, 행렬함수 그리고 행렬방정식 (Matrix, Matrix Functions and Matrix Equations)
Elliptic equations with singular drifts in critical spaces
<정년퇴임 기념강연> The Elements of Euclid
학부생을 위한 강연: 브라질과 프랑스는 왜 축구를 잘 할까? - 경제와 수학과 축구와 법률
Universality of log-correlated fields